Example sentences of "who [vb base] on the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For those who remain on the amateur circuit , three international events , all taking place in Britain , will be the highlights of the 1991 season .
2 The most elementary division is between those who concentrate on the representative function of a councillor by looking after the interests of individual constituents and those who prefer the managerial function of determining policy and ensuring its implementation .
3 Behind the scenes , many who sit on the Conservative Benches are betraying their concern even before the Bill has received its Second Reading .
4 Both schools of thought contain writers of diverse views , but to oversimplify , the former broadly can be characterized as writers who focus on the economic behaviour of members of households and families as the key to understanding family relationships and how they change .
5 The farm is one of the best in the county and its steading high above Dunure is a well-known landmark for all who sail on the lower reaches of the Clyde estuary .
6 Those " who vote on the losing side are as surely excluded as they are in the power approach .
7 By obstructing it , BR said tonight , they 're endangering the lives of a hundred and seventy thousand passengers who travel on the Great Western every day .
8 The case for re-thinking what we mean by practice and its relation with theory has been made at an abstract level by writers who draw on the two very different philosophical traditions which contest the dichotomy , Marxism with its concept of praxis , and the American pragmatists who direct our attention to the consequences of our actions .
9 Local authority housing departments require a close working relationship with occupational therapists employed within the social services departments ( SSDs ) , who advise on the technical aspects of adaptations .
10 Given this , negative coverage from the popular music press , who rely on the commercial music industry for their survival , is excusable .
11 They will allow themselves to be stripped of savings by bucket shop practitioners who are not , strictly speaking , licensed dealers , but who operate on the same principles .
12 It is presented as proof of the success of her softer approach to all those Frogs , Krauts and Wops who live on the other side the English Channel .
13 In 1982 she found the right spot , in the harsh thornbush country of the Laikipiak Maasai , who live on the northern slopes of Mt Kenya .
14 As was pointed out in the previous chapter , the plan of the Victorian house and the Victorian city have this in common : that both are so designed that the few who live on the privileged side of the divide need know nothing of the many who are crowded beyond it into a fraction of the space .
15 Your article on the Zambian food riots was accurate ( NI 189 ) : I have just returned from visiting friends who live on the Zambian Copperbelt and it was a shock to compare the well-provisioned tourist hotels with the half-empty shops in the city of Ndola .
16 Does he further agree about the hypocrisy of those who call on the one hand for the maintenance of defence contracts in public and , on the other , plan in private for defence reductions ?
17 We are grateful to him and to all the other people who serve on the advisory board of the know-how fund .
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