Example sentences of "who [vb base] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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31 Those who benefit from the non-contributory disablement allowances are allowed to earn up to a prescribed amount , similar to the benefit , without loss of pension .
32 In addition , we should consider whether there might be a link between the dominant ideas transmitted through socialisation and those people who benefit from the existing distribution of power and reward .
33 For in the main it is our own parishioners who donate the goods ; it is residents within the area who benefit from the high quality and the low prices ; and it is Charlie and May who have found a vocation in later life serving both community and parish with their gifts of energy and time .
34 Of course to people like Mr. Tully who benefit by the British presence in the occupied part of our country ( a country which was partitioned against the will of the vast majority of our population ) the current whereabouts of Barleycorn is an unpleasant reminder that the Republican movement will not be cowed by threats from the likes of him and his cohorts in the Unionist parties in the failed political entity of Northern Ireland .
35 It was not too surprising , therefore , that one of the King , s former ministers , the Count of Lezay-Marnésia , should allow his daughter to become one of the Empress 's ladies , though he could not have known that his gesture would be immortalized , for she is one of those who figure in the famous painting by Winterhalter ( now in the Musée National du Chateau de Compiègne ) .
36 He wrote lines like : ‘ … whether they came with beards to shave or not , these are kids who react against the violent anti-Americanism of the New Left whom they far outnumber .
37 Both schools of thought contain writers of diverse views , but to oversimplify , the former broadly can be characterized as writers who focus on the economic behaviour of members of households and families as the key to understanding family relationships and how they change .
38 The farm is one of the best in the county and its steading high above Dunure is a well-known landmark for all who sail on the lower reaches of the Clyde estuary .
39 By this I mean that those who identify themselves with the cause of animal welfare are increasingly those who speak for the commercial animal agriculture community , the bio-medical community , the hunting and trapping communities , and so on .
40 Here , inconsistency refers to conflicts within the evidence of one or more witnesses who speak to the same version of the facts .
41 They are young people from each area who speak in the local language about important development issues , facilitate discussions and encourage villagers to come to their own conclusions through a series of interactive exercises .
42 The real problems are caused by directors who cling to the dead forms of classic Hollywood .
43 Secondly , unemployed people with temporary part-time jobs , who earn above the lower earnings limit , can no longer claim unemployment benefit .
44 It is we who project upon the continuous flux of history such categories as ‘ Mannerism ’ , and it is evident that not everybody at that period was a Mannerist .
45 But the sexual division of labour — whether it is the male , the female , or both parents who look after the young — is controlled by much the same forces as control other sexual differences and is therefore appropriately treated in this chapter .
46 As sector specialists , they complement Training and Enterprise Councils , who look after the local training needs .
47 The same problem could not arise in Germany , according to Vogts , because of the ‘ wonderful relationship ’ which exists between the Football Federation and those who look after the national team .
48 Gulls the size of light aeroplanes flap over litter bins , joggers reeking of anti-perspirant run backwards , and a bunch of people who look like the original Haight Ashbury hippy collective play conga drums and saxophones in the distance , blowing a surreal note on a balmy breeze .
49 Those " who vote on the losing side are as surely excluded as they are in the power approach .
50 But others who vote for the same party may be motivated by directly opposite considerations — a strong commitment to education , say , but no concern about pensions .
51 By obstructing it , BR said tonight , they 're endangering the lives of a hundred and seventy thousand passengers who travel on the Great Western every day .
52 The last Brownie to reach that place and any Brownies who run in the wrong direction are out of the game .
53 So called ’ Socialist ’ feminists , in true liberal style , fail to put forward a strategy to end capitalism , putting all their energies into the Labour Party who stand for the same redundant ideas which go nowhere towards real change .
54 Every day about noon [ the monarch ] sits upon his throne , with some of his sons at his right and left , while the eunuchs who stand about the royal person flap away the flies with peacock tails or agitate the air with large fans …
55 The people who know about the potential effect of a blanket ban are the tobacco manufacturers and they are not so sanguine about the prospect , threatening to pull their plants out of Britain if the ban comes into force .
56 Herbal remedies therefore still remain very important and it is campesina women rather than men who know about the healing properties of local herbs and pass their knowledge down from one generation to the next .
57 The officers in the merchant bank , who know of the proposed take-over , and whose knowledge is itself unpublished price sensitive information , may deal , or counsel , or procure others to deal , provided it is done to facilitate the completion or carrying out of the transaction , that is , the bid .
58 The cultivation of creativity is the most important requirement of men who aspire to the highest reaches of the transcendent world .
59 Its demarcation from those other professional analysts who cater to the mass market , has had to be made as severe as possible .
60 Others will call them Diakka , unclean and amoral spirits , who take great delight in terrorising those who dabble in the spiritual phenomena without sufficient knowledge .
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