Example sentences of "who [vb base] [adv] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Cultural marginality , which encompasses the culture of poverty concept ( Lewis 1966 ) , has been largely discredited because of the implication that traits such as apathy and passivity , which are the hallmarks of the culture of poverty , are very strongly imbedded in those who grow up in such a culture and therefore prevent them responding positively if opportunities arise .
2 Those who benefit most from such a system are the two largest parties and those with regionally concentrated support .
3 Thus , those who benefit most from this gender-blind legislation are non-manual male workers .
4 The desperation of people who ca n't afford to live on the pay that they are earning and who look forward to any means of change in that with hope and with optimism because things could n't get worse .
5 They both played spies — ‘ spies who meet up in that ludicrous wonderland of revue ’ .
6 This is particularly difficult in view of the fact that it is just their children who are probably far more in need of that grace of God just because of the attitude of their parents , than those of parents who measure up to all the standards that we impose .
7 I 'd like to say how much I enjoy AIM , and though the Illustrator 's is printed so much smaller than the Artist 's , please always remember that there are would-be illustrators — drawing and painting graduates , who rely heavily on any information on illustration that your magazine provides .
8 I 'd like to say how much I enjoy AIM , and though the Illustrator 's is printed so much smaller than the Artist 's , please always remember that there are would-be illustrators — drawing and painting graduates , who rely heavily on any information on illustration that your magazine provides .
9 Furthermore , as regards the former suggestion , a new institution analogous to , but not the same as , marriage , would lack the very special connotations inextricably involved in the marriage union of two people who feel strongly for each other and desire to bear witness to this feeling to the world .
10 Some people who comply well with all that is suggested to them may have done little more than comply ( incidentally , much of the " normal " first year of recovery is reckoned to be little more than compliance ) and think erroneously after a few weeks of treatment that they have learnt all they need to know and have done all they need to do to remain free from addictive disease .
11 The day was marred only slightly by the presence of a few of that fraternity who find out about all such events , spend the whole day taking photographs and video and contribute very little or nothing back into the hobby .
12 I have already attempted something in this vein , but there are those who deal distantly with such realities , and the prince and I , both , suffer from them hardly less than Owen does .
13 Often it is girls from already deprived backgrounds who end up in such circumstances , and who are less able to cope on their own .
14 Their very excellence makes heavy demands on the time and energy of their teaching faculty , so people who stay long in such places rarely produce the books and articles commonly published by their counterparts in bigger universities , and are therefore often little known outside their own institutions .
15 People who go out of that door have committed themselves to a date .
16 I gather there are plenty of crackpots who go in for that sort of thing .
17 For people who score highly in this area there are also many other careers in which English has a strong bearing .
18 The genealogical trigger determining the numbers involved , the extensiveness of the quarrel , is thus the branching of the tree through brotherhood : by tracing the extent of obligation to two brothers ( rather than to their father ) each disputant secures the maximum of supporters who owe him loyalty and who do not in that particular instance owe loyalty to the other side .
19 A perfect spine is an all-important factor in preserving those conditions and uses of the human machine which work together for perfect health , yet there are comparatively few people who do not in some form or degree suffer , perhaps quite unconsciously , from excessive spinal curvature .
20 After bullying the Queen into paying income tax ‘ like everybody else ’ the Government has been embarrassingly reminded by the Birt affair of the many high earners who do not by any means pay tax like everybody else .
21 There are many people around who call a spade a spade , but who do so in such a rude , offensive way , that this kind of plain-speaking becomes something to be avoided .
22 ‘ Oh , yes , I want to help to make things for the big bazaar Mr Sands was talking about , to help those who live here in such misery . ’
23 My own research in Mexico suggests that female managers tend to be found in those depanments that are concerned with interpersonal relations within the plant ( personnel , public relations , training ) and that women who start off in these areas and succeed are occasionally promoted to higher levels of management .
24 A team is a small group ( 6 to 8 people is a typical size ) who co-operate together in such a way that they accomplish more than the sum total of the individuals .
25 I often wonder if the people who come up with these proposals have any experience in recruitment .
26 Let's all have a laugh : I 'm going to suspend my regular practice of not naming the derelicts who write in to this page , and tell the world that your full name is
27 There may , however , be up to 5,000 people now in hospital who fall in between these two groups and may be capable of leading more independent lives … .
28 Collectively , that does not leave many of us out ; and there can , of course , be few of us who have not at some time or another suffered from what might be thought of as a sexual problem albeit , perhaps , a trifling one .
29 Paxos ( p19 ) is home for 30 Dinghy Sailors who cruise ambitiously around this tiny island .
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