Example sentences of "who [vb base] [verb] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 What sorts of people tend to become politically active and who tend to remain relatively inert ?
2 Glitterhouse are getting firmly back on the boil with the latest from BITCH MAGNET , who appear to have finally untangled themselves from the What Goes On fiasco .
3 Glitterhouse are getting firmly back on the boil with the latest from BITCH MAGNET , who appear to have finally untangled themselves from the What Goes On fiasco .
4 The money will be available for both Training and Enterprise Councils and Local Enterprise Companies in Scotland , so they can work with employers , schools , parents , local authorities and others who want to set up out-of-school care .
5 This examination incorporates financial , language and commercial components and support those people who want to build up essential business skills .
6 While in manu institutions , ‘ contextual ’ or ‘ critical ’ studies have traditionally provided a bridge for those who want to pursue more theoretical aspects of gender and creativity , they now have access to a more diverse range of feminist ideas and approaches .
7 Meanwhile , in a different war , the Food and Drug Administration will hold a public meeting to hear another group of entrepreneurs who want to market home AIDS-testing kits .
8 On the other hand , those casual workers who manage to build up sufficient service are highly-skilled and have skills which are in short supply .
9 Lastly , John , one of the observations I would make is that a lot of astronomers I know are people who seem to have quite strong religious convictions .
10 Conversely , patients with quiescent disease who continue to have persistently abnormal blood tests have a high recurrence rate .
11 Those who do keep very quiet about it , although , as we have seen , the ‘ bootstraps ’ hypothesis concerning the origin of life is never totally dismissed by any but the most hidebound of life scientists .
12 Even if more apparent than real , they carry some threat of sanctions against teachers and schools who fail to perform as expected however unreasonable , given certain contexts , that expectation might be .
13 No I especially hope it will be read by sceptics , by people who have grown up with a kind of psychologically inspired dismissal of religion , people who 've become so sophisticated , so busy they have no time for it , people who are so bemused by technology , by the greatness of human achievement , the computers , the moon rockets , the medical advances , that in their worship of human talent they forget that there 's a point where human power ends and the power of God begins .
14 On the basis of your experience you know , you was you said that , the fact that erm sometimes you 've got tenants who 've formed really good relationships in the flat .
15 Or between wife and husband , we tend to think only of transfer from husbands to wife , but er we do meet quite er a w er ladies who 've got quite high earnings and they themselves are paying forty percent in which case they should make sure that any investment income of theirs is transferred to the husband , so as to get the , to either use up allowances that are not being used at all because of absence of the income , or to benefit from these different rates of tax .
16 If your looking for love and your absolutely desperate there 's always a thing called date line which I believe is very successful and I know at least two people who 've got very happy marriages from that , so
17 This programme is offered to qualified and experienced social workers and social work managers who wish to carry out advanced study in project work or practice .
18 The major legal recruiting agencies will all have people on their books who wish to move either firm or area and who may be able to offer you the immediate facility of calling yourselves specialists in a particular field .
19 Landlords who wish to take over public sector dwellings have first to seek the approval of the Housing Corporation which has set out the criteria for approval in some detail .
20 However , this is undoubtedly the island for those who wish to travel somewhere unusual for a change .
21 employers who wish to make more informed comparisons of current vocational qualifications in the EC and
22 At present it is relatively unspoilt with only small scale commercial exploitation ( a youth hostel , a mountaineering hut and a campsite ) , giving it a unique character that attracts those who prefer to visit less developed locations on holiday .
23 An RUC spokesman said : ‘ It is surprising that in many cases , people who have lost quite large sums do n't take the trouble to check with police to find out if their money has been handed in . ’
24 For these to be undertaken it is necessary to mount a separate ‘ experimental ’ project , but since children are not white mice it is necessary first to enlist enough parental support to allow people to give them their children to experiment on , and enough official support to ensure that in matters such as official examinations , children who have followed radically different curricula do not suffer .
25 In Britain , for example , there is at the present time a vigorous controversy about the introduction of proportional representation , stoutly resisted by the two main parties , but supported by a growing part of the population who have become increasingly dissatisfied with the existing system , which produces a gross discrepancy between the votes cast for various parties and their representation in parliament , and results in practice in a form of minority government .
26 I 've come across three people who have become psychologically dependent on it one of them just 15 . ’
27 Karajan 's response to Honegger 's Symphonie liturgique and its near contemporary , Strauss 's Metamorphosen , of which he made the first recording in 1947 , provides specifically musical evidence of Karajan 's priorities and allegiances that I have yet to see considered by those who have become so concerned to analyse and recycle often erroneous information about his alleged political sympathies before and during the Second World War .
28 Unlike younger people , who have become more dependent upon the ‘ middle ’ generation over the last century , the position of older people has moved , if anywhere , in the direction of greater independence .
29 AMES has been undertaking home visits to promote the centre and make contact with women who have become very remote from events in El Salvador .
30 Its organisers look on the participation of these head teachers who have become very active as they become increasingly involved , as an indispensable and exciting part of the committee 's operations .
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