Example sentences of "who [vb past] it [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The lady who owned it had a cook , a kitchenmaid , and two other maids . ’
2 The machine was examined by Home Office scientific experts in Huntingdon who found it used a battery-operated self-arming mechanism and was fired by a motor .
3 The writer has collected three instances of this practice : two in the Stowmarket district and one near Mendlesham where the farmer who recalled it made the comment after the cold and wet spring of 1963 : ‘ I do n't know how those owd bors who used to set on the seed-bed would get on today : I reckon they 'd get themselves right chilled . ’
4 She passed the streamer to another woman who did the same and each woman who received it made a statement of her sorrow , culminating with a young woman who spoke , with tears running down her face , of her fears for her children .
5 In an address to Young Unionists , the Fermanagh and South Tyrone MP slammed SDLP and Eire politicians who claimed it cost a million pounds each day to secure the border .
6 The military claimed that his killing , in the national penitentiary , was the work of Aristide supporters , but this version was disputed by analysts who thought it marked the settling of old scores between Lafontant and his opponents within the army .
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