Example sentences of "who [vb past] [adv] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It can be seen that data were collected at referral for all those who agreed initially to take part in the project .
2 The other characters were a sold-out leftie academic ( who drew much knowing laughter from the first-night audience ) , a right-wing academic , a military automaton , and an Amstrad word-processor which enigmatically took the floor in a central scene .
3 The banks were not at all keen to lend to somebody who seemed actually to need money .
4 With regard to access to Art as a subject in the school curriculum , the Head of Department pointed out that he and his colleagues made special provision for some pupils , asking it if was generally known that pupils who opted not to do Art ( i.e. whose option choices precluded Art ) could still do it after school as an additional subject and that we do get some of them through ( verified note of meeting ) .
5 The umpire , who 'd finally got control of his pony , gave Rutshire a penalty .
6 very pale , if you saw somebody in a hospital bed who 'd just suffered shock , they 'd be the same colour as the sheet they 're lying on their face is absolutely white , okay , very , very pale , very cold and very clammy , now supposing the doctor asks you why are they cold and clammy ?
7 Now the main target of the attack were the , the local tyrants , the evil gentry and the , the lawless landlords , people who 'd previously held power before who the peasants , or who the communists were trying to , to take the power away from , they , they were people who were it was possible to motivate the peasants against er again phrasing everything , er the people are evil , you know , that they , they were tyrants .
8 That was proved today by the number of people who turned up to pay tribute to Lord Ridley of Liddesdale .
9 The 15 companies who banded together include Sun Microsystems Inc , Hewlett-Packard Co , Tivoli Systems Inc , Hyperdesk Corp , Novell Inc , Digital Equipment Corp and all of the object database concerns .
10 On one of them , where I farmed for 45 years , while my employees who belonged there spoke Gaelic , I also from time to time employed Scots speakers from Alyth , splendid fellows , in whose speech I could recognise classical Scots words which occur in the poetry of the Scottish Chaucerians .
11 Although the deposed Communist Party leader , Mr Egon Krenz , has been credited with countermanding orders to issue live ammunition to troops standing by to deal with the Leipzig demonstrations , other sources indicate that it was the military district commander who stepped in to avoid bloodshed .
12 Gwen Jones , who started here banking career in Abersoch has become the first woman in Oxfordshire to manage a National Westminster Bank branch .
13 There was a relationship between the amount of training undertaken and allocation of a staff member 's time , so that all of the 27 authorities who employed specifically named training officers engaged in a higher than average number of training programmes .
14 By implication , of course , those who chose not to become part of the ‘ generalized other ’ were less than fully developed .
15 France had no need of prudence , only of audacity and victor and of the small dark-haired man who knew how to make glory bright as the sun and as sweet as the violet .
16 The Duke provided a list of suitable , sober and solid men , but the Young Frog had simply scrawled out their names and replaced them with friends he had made at Eton and , when some of those friends declined the honour , he found other congenial officers who knew how to leaven war 's rigours with riotous enjoyment .
17 The other change which took place was the growth of a minority who went on to take advantage of new opportunities to get a university degree .
18 Jack Hathorne was a former RAF pilot who went on to test fly Hurricane fighters being built at Brockworth during the second world war .
19 At the Chemical Society of London there were great debates about the status of atoms in 1867 and 1869 , with Professors at Oxford and at London Universities on opposite sides ; and at the same time in France some of the most distinguished chemists were sceptical of atoms , among them P. E. M. Berthelot , who went on to become Minister of Public Instruction in 1886 , having done distinguished work on synthesis and on calorimetry .
20 This miraculous work was achieved on one hand press by a single compositor , J.H. Mason , who went on to become head of the London School of Printing .
21 His book Chemical Method was translated in 1855 by William Odling , a prominent figure at the Royal Institution who went on to become Professor of Chemistry at Oxford in the 1870s , as courses in science there became important .
22 Further along the right wall is a list of the Duomo Archbishops , a list that includes many men who went on to become Pope .
23 A plaque to the memory of another William Paul ( 1844–1912 ) praising the Christian virtues of one who was ‘ beloved and trusted by all who knew him and who went about doing good ’ was erected in Edenderry Memorial Church ( now the Memorial Hall ) in 1913 , the Reverend George R Wedgewood , Superintendent of the Circuit and Vice-President of the Conference , presiding .
24 Berlin was a particular centre of discontent because of the large number of young men who went there to escape conscription in West Germany itself .
25 As with the pensions inquiry , we recruited outside experts into the review teams like Jeremy Rowe , the deputy chairman of Abbey National , who took on Housing Benefit .
26 His clients were private people who did not want publicity .
27 It was decided to provide soft drinks and wine for those who did not want whisky and therefore two types of tickets , at different prices , would be on sale , £5 for whisky drinkers and £2 for the others .
28 The 39 women who did not start treatment before January 1989 were excluded from the analyses .
29 Laymen who did not hold land worth forty shillings a year , and clerks who did not have a benefice worth ten pounds a year , were forbidden to keep a greyhound or other dog , on pain of one year 's imprisonment .
30 Patients who did not show evidence of relapse after this four week microchallenge had the diagnosis of coeliac disease confirmed by an open challenge with higher doses of gluten .
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