Example sentences of "who [vb past] [verb] she [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In 1925 the ship was bought by a Glasgow shipowner who planned to convert her to a nautical museum .
2 A gentle , flower-garlanded goddess , Lakshmi spent a great deal of her time in contemplating the universe and bestowed gifts of calm and wisdom upon those mortals who sought to emulate her through transcendental meditation .
3 The person who helped squeeze her into this skin tight outfit has left the building and no one else can help her get out .
4 ‘ I was always meant to lose her , ’ she had sobbed to Arthur , who tried to comfort her with cups of tea and brief , common-sense reassurances .
5 She is pictured with boyfriend , operations supervisor at the computer centre , who invited to join her on the two-day trip .
6 Eventually , Reid said , ‘ All Susan ever said about her father was that he was a grade-A shit who 'd ignored her for most of her life and thought money was a good substitute for love .
7 In fact , he was the man who 'd escorted her to the door to mark the end of her first visit .
8 The next day she 'd discovered his whereabouts from Klein , who 'd warned her in no uncertain manner that John Zacharias was bad news for tender hearts .
9 Everything was peaceful — everything but the man who 'd brought her to this place .
10 A little thrill of anticipation ran along her skin as she turned and looked into the eyes of the man who 'd watched her with such intensity during the fashion show .
11 A year in Milan , Italy 's great fashion centre , had sounded close to perfect — at least , that was how the woman who 'd interviewed her at International Models had made it sound .
12 who 'd left her in the lurch
13 A drink was thrust into her hand and within five minutes she was being passed from group to group as though she were the prize exhibit ; asked numerous questions she did n't know how to or have time to answer ; told endless tales of this person or that person ; until eventually , somewhat bewildered , she ended up in the bar with someone called Patrick who began regaling her with tales of old Ireland .
14 She sat down next to Mike , who started to introduce her to everybody .
15 ‘ Of course , ’ murmured Mrs Crump , and looked around the hall to root out anyone who dared challenge her on this matter .
16 War was declared and , more or less at the same time , her mother , who wished to distance her from the rough and ready children at the village school , arranged for her to have piano lessons .
17 She would kill him later , but for the present , she was thinking of Sycorax , who had instructed her in love , and wondering if it would please her that here she was , filling a man with desire just as Sycorax had always said she should .
18 Piers Morrison was a dangerous stranger , one who made no effort to treat her with respect , far less subservience , and who had kissed her on the spur of the moment , then instantly regretted it because he basically did n't like her .
19 For a few brief moments she 'd actually managed to persuade herself that there was some kind of special rapport between herself and the man who had kissed her in the semi-darkness with such tender passion .
20 If only it had been he instead of Giles who had kissed her in the moonlight .
21 An authoritative denial of the Donaldson item came in and Rain passed it to Holly who regretted believing the man or the MacQuillans who had pushed her into writing it .
22 Bernice had tried to explain to her android companion about the man who had saved her from drowning in the quicksand .
23 In that sensible frame of mind she had hurried downstairs to join her daughter — who had beaten her to the breakfast table again ! — and her host in the sunny conservatory .
24 However , after a couple of dances had elapsed , Clara thought she spotted the civilized young man who had assisted her on the Channel crossing ; once she had spotted him she turned rigidly away , so deep was her horror of imitating Janice 's conduct , but she lost nothing by it , for within a couple of minutes he presented himself , courteously , at her elbow .
25 She saw the old man who had accosted her on her walk that afternoon proceeding at the head of a little posse consisting of a neatly dressed man , a woman with untidy hair and a couple of children .
26 It was in 1984 , when Kylie was still only 16 , that her next big break came and it was again Alan Hardy , the man who had cast her in The Sullivans three years before , who was involved .
27 It was Iris , throwing doubts on Rick 's guilt , who had cast her in the role of the devil 's advocate .
28 She chuckled at her romanticism : even most of the historians who had taught her at Cambridge sported tattered leather jackets and greasy jeans .
29 He reminded her of a mathematics mistress who had taught her at school .
30 The 67-year-old was attacked in Ludlow , Shropshire , by a man who had followed her through the town centre .
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