Example sentences of "who [vb past] [verb] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 One of Stephanie close colleagues has been under gun guard , police guard for a week following death threats on the alleged kidnapper , as the net closed on him he phoned estate agent Jane the girl who helped prepare the second artist impression , Jane had met him face to face when he called at the office in Great Bar Birmingham days before the kidnap to collect details on several houses for sale , her blood ran cold when she picked up the phone on Wednesday February the twelfth to hear his voice again
2 We all thought that Trotsky could have run rings round him , but it was Stalin who survived to wreck the last few hopes of the Revolution and now to swallow up Eastern Europe . ’
3 Further those who managed to survive the first university term did reasonably well but did not excel .
4 In June 1963 , Pope John XXIII , the Pope who had called the second Vatican Council , died .
5 For next the stewards decided that only those drivers who had completed the first lap would be allowed to re-start .
6 There was a request to Council to investigate the position of those who had completed the first module but were not registered and whether they should be allowed to attend the Keele Conference .
7 The Rejects , who had reached the last stage without conceding a goal , were two down inside 20 minutes through Tommy Collins and Arwel Owen .
8 This thwe-thauk , or blood drinking , sealed eternal comradeship and they all assumed titles signifying their compact : Aung San became Bo Teza ( Fire General ) , Thakin Shu Maung , a former postal employee , became Bo Ne Win ( Sun of Glory General ) , Hla Pe , who had assisted the first escape , was Bo Let Ya ( Right Hand General ) , while Aung San 's first fellow-traveller , Hla Myaing , was Bo Yan Aung .
9 Symptoms developed four weeks after treatment for eczema had been started by the same hakim who had treated the first patient .
10 This extended a nice Martian strain in the script , examining how Hampstead life might look to a spectator who had missed the first two acts .
11 England made a decent 217 , with 68 from Boycott and 59 from Gower ; but after Greenidge and Haynes had got half-way to the target , Richards , who had missed the first match , played as only he can .
12 J. B. Priestley recognised this in the extract chosen by Mr Hamilton from The Good Companions : ‘ … it [ Bruddersford United AFC ] offered you more than a shilling's-worth of material for talk during the rest of the week , a man who had missed the last home match of t'United had to enter social life on tiptoe in Bruddersford . ’
13 The primitive inn that catered for travellers who had missed the last ferry is now a modern hotel , and commercial interests have been attracted by the growing number of tourists .
14 The second final place was contested between Alex A — who had played the first round a player short — and Mason 's packing house .
15 It contained representatives of more than 20 political parties who had contested the first free multiparty elections in Romania since 1937 [ see p. 37441 ] .
16 And as a mark of their respect for their aviator comrade , a lone bugler played The Last Post and Reveille before an RAF Hercules flew over the graveside at Frankby Cemetery in a special salute to the man who had given the last six years of his life to his country .
17 The 18+ examinations were seen , as the Secretary of State himself recognized , again partly as another such certificate for those who had stayed the next voluntary two years at school , partly as an aptitude test for those who were to go on to higher education , partly as a still more specific entry requirement for admission to specified courses in institutions of higher education .
18 AN MP last night called for a Government review of the jury system in Northern Ireland after an inquest failed to decide who had fired the first shots in a gun battle in which three Irish Republican Army men died .
19 The energetic soldiers who had survived the first war were in active command , but there was a great residue of staff officers from the first war who did not fight , who determined the spirit of the administration .
20 For in 1920 , when Binyon began work towards his version of the Inferno , he exchanged letters with Hewlett , who had translated the first canto years before , and now urged Binyon to shorten his measure to tetrameters , pointing out that this was what he himself had done in his ‘ Song of the Plough ’ , a long poem in terza rima in which he had invested a great deal .
21 Martin Norris and ‘ Mack ’ Edwards replied for West Meon who had to play the first 40 minutes with only ten men .
22 Before the war began , listening to reminiscences of those who had experienced the last war and sensing their dread , I imagined that once a war had started , no one would ever be happy again .
23 Among the Triangle Project 's guests was Lady Sainsbury , who had opened the first phase of Triangle — the day care centre for the elderly — Mr. Portman , representing the Worshipful Company of Ironmongers , who had donated £32,000 in the project through the Robert Geffery Trust and Alton Town Mayor , Mrs. Jacqueling Martin .
24 Besides , the author of the Gesta — like his predecessor who had produced the second genealogy of the counts of Flanders — was heavily imbued with Sallustian learning .
25 She thought she could in the end be legitimized , be more than just the girl who had married the first man who came along in order to get away from home : daughter of a mother who 'd shacked up with her own mother 's boyfriend at that own mother 's unconscious behest — and had thereby had her life negated forever .
26 Denis Healey soon saw himself in the role of bridge-builder between the West German government ( which particularly feared any decline in the credibility of nuclear deterrence ) and McNamara who hoped to avoid the first — or at least the early — use of nuclear weapons .
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