Example sentences of "who [be] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 All who are prepared for the ordained ministry are trained under considerable pressure of time and with an overcrowded curriculum .
2 Under the Administration of justice Act 1982 , where a will contains a devise or bequest to a child or remoter descendant of the testator , and the intended beneficiary dies before the testator , leaving issue who are living at the time of the testator 's death , then , unless a contrary intention appears in the will , the devise or bequest passes to the issue living at the testator 's death .
3 But a single indicator dominates the equations , namely the estimated number of children aged 5–17 who are living in a lone-parent family : each such child accrues a thousand pounds .
4 I think that people who are living in a fixed abode are paying in the end .
5 I mean people who are living in the old common lodging houses and in government resettlement units , people living in squats and dingy bed-and-breakfast hotels , and families living cooped up with their relatives because there 's nowhere else for them to go .
6 What impact does it have on the tenants who are living in the flats ?
7 Yeah because I do n't think anything will will work unless it 's what the people who are living in the circumstances and living in the situation erm , if it 's not going to relevant to their lives then , you 're wasting the money .
8 But because it 's got to be right across the board , and they wo n't make exception , of people like myself and others who are living in the community that need home help .
9 There are an awful lot of children in the United Kingdom in fact who are living in the sort of poverty and who 's parents are living in the sort of poverty which in a rich country like our own , should not be tolerated .
10 Well , it means quite a lot for the people who are living in Germany , especially the ones who are living in the East , because their economy has been so run down , it 's got to be put through a sort of shock treatment .
11 This increase in the numbers of people who are ageing with a disability is also differentially distributed according to both gender and race .
12 While there may be some overlap between the experiences of people who are ageing with a disability and other ageing groups , there are also likely to be important differences .
13 Consequently , many people who are ageing with a disability simply fall through the net .
15 In an address on Virgil which he gave in September of this year , he talked of certain men , like Aeneas , who are elected to a special destiny .
16 The Local Government and Housing Act 1989 enacts this Provision though it substitutes 208 hours for twenty-six days and exempts employees who are elected to the chair of councils ( Clause 10 ) .
17 The People 's Chamber consists of 400 deputies , who are elected for a term of four years by the people in a free , general , equal , direct and secret election . "
18 So if you want to know more about Michael Chang , or indeed any of the players who have fan club services and who are listed on the opposite page , then do n't delay .
19 The 1.5 million Muslims in modern Bosnia , who are listed in the Yugoslav census as ‘ Muslims of ethnic origin' , are the descendants of those early converts .
20 He is one of thousands here who are wrestling with the economic difficulties .
21 Some organisations have company housing which may be used by employees who are transferred to the new area but have yet to complete their house purchases there .
22 Yet the phrase had remained with him , particularly in its darker aspect , the way it appears to most of those who are bound by the puritan ethic , not as a haven to live in and enjoy but as a paradise to be expelled from .
23 Turn to our news pages to see a story about the RSPB who are calling on the government to change agricultural policy and rectify many of the problems you 've outlined .
24 No further away than this morning The Times printed an advertisement from 209 of the great and the good who are calling for the legalisation of cannabis .
25 Its laws are made piecemeal by Parliament and by judges , who are placed under no overriding constitutional obligation to preserve or protect the media 's right to report matters of public interest .
26 This argument comes close to a constitutional paradox — that people who are protesting against the fairness of the political system may find themselves convicted of serious offences because their mode of protest is a realistic one .
27 Here we are putting into the workspace ‘ W ’ the names of students held in the relation called ‘ ATTENDANCE ’ who are taught by the lecturer called ‘ CLARKE ’ ( see Figure 4.2 ) .
28 If the seller knows the number of companies who are competing for the order , their likely stances , the criteria used by the buying organisation when deciding between them , the degree of pressure on key members of the decision making unit , and any formula they might use for assessing price acceptability , an accurate assessment of the power balance should be possible .
29 Furthermore , encapsulation may only extend to first-generation immigrants who are sustained by the ‘ Myth of return ’ , the belief that they will return to Pakistan eventually .
30 Alfred Walter will conduct flautist David Haslam and harpist Bryn Lewis , who are to perform with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra in a Viennese evening of Strauss and Mozart with the Northern Sinfonia Orchestra at Middlesbrough Town Hall on February 26 .
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