Example sentences of "who [verb] that a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , the most telling condemnation came from General Sir Garnet Wolseley , the Adjutant-General and the Commandant of Dover Castle , who argued that a tunnel would ‘ open up a route to the invader into England ’ .
2 So far as the succession of generations is concerned , the major analysis remains that of Karl Mannheim ( 1928 ) , who argued that a generation has ‘ a certain structural resemblance ’ to class position :
3 He was awakened just before noon by the Master of Novices who announced that a message had come from John Benstede asking for Corbett to present himself at the castle immediately .
4 When you act for buyers who intend that a leasehold interest shall merge in the freehold ( leaseholders buying the freehold reversion on their lease , or freeholders buying the lease to which their title is subject ) it 's convenient to express the intention to merge in the transfer or other instrument vesting the second estate in the owner of the first if this is intended , but beware of such an application in the case of a flat — if , for example , your client owns a leasehold flat and buys the freehold of the whole building in which it is situate .
5 Heathrow , which has implemented some controls , is avoided by traders who realise that a stop over could result in a costly hold up and even prosecution .
6 The segregation of servants from the family had already begun at Coleshill , the ancestor of the Palladian houses of the eighteenth century , where Roger Pratt , who believed that a house should be ‘ so contrived … that the ordinary servants may never publicly appear in passing to and from for their occasions there ’ , had given them separate rooms , adjacent to their masters , so that they no longer slept at his door or at the foot of his bed .
7 There were still those among the Shah 's military who believed that a coup against Khomeini was possible .
8 There is no shortage of examples of defendants in rape cases who assumed that a woman who said no really meant yes , or who inferred from other supposed clues ( make-up , clothing , accepting a drink ) that the victim had consented , despite her apparent protests .
9 On one site the author recalls contacting the oldest locals , who advised that a site had only flooded once in living memory and they were only too pleased to point out a ’ flood line ’ still just visible on a number of buildings in the area after 30 years .
10 A story about a R.A.F. Flight-Sergeant who noticed that a recruit was still wearing his hat in church .
11 It was given a qualified welcome by Donald Riegle and Henry Gonzalez , the ( Democrat ) chairmen of the Senate and House banking committees respectively , who stated that an extension of bank operations into financial services should be delayed until the implementation of the supervisory and deposit insurance reforms , the latter being expected to attract widespread public opposition .
12 Substitution of the Rivlin form for For sheet materials stressed in their plane one of the Then it is easy to show that who showed that a form , with f a decreasing function of gave the best fit .
13 This option was rejected , however , by President Rodrigo Borja Cevallos , who claimed that a referendum would disrupt the economy , hold back investments and " interrupt the country 's productive process " .
14 ‘ They 're worth a lot more than that , ’ said one director , who indicated that a counter move could yet be made by opponents of the Halls .
15 Other than in a most exceptional case , I doubt whether a judge who heard that a defendant in the charge of a jury was being interrogated under compulsory powers would have a moment 's hesitation about what to do .
16 Those who suppose that a millennium is a millennium is a millennium will see that the distinction between Owen 's and O'Brien 's to be one without a practical difference ; and put a question-mark against the doctrine on which it stands .
17 But it was Ken himself , with previous experience of keeping only tropical fish , who decided that a pond would be the answer to a particularly uninspiring corner of the site .
18 The concept of a failure rate of over 25% in the First Division has raised objections from those who understand that an omelette can not be made without first breaking some eggs but would rather not run the risk of being dairy produce .
19 Simply people who believe that a wrong was committed , which should be put right .
20 And both movements are in the throes of similar internal debates between those who believe that a step-by-step , incremental approach to reform is the best means to make progress and those who believe in a far more absolutist confrontational approach .
21 But this attitude is also typical of those who believe that a dog is just a dog — that a harsh voice and a hard hand will train each and every one of them .
22 DH Lawrence 's " The Rainbow " was destroyed in 1915 , and " The Well of Loneliness " suffered the same fate in 1928 at the hands of a magistrate who felt that a passage which implied that two women had been to bed ( " And that night they were not divided " ) would induce " thoughts of a most impure character " and " glorify a horrible tendency " .
23 Taliesin murmured something that sounded like , ‘ All the riches of the world we shall lay at thy feet , ’ and Fribble , who felt that a note of practicality was called for , said , ‘ Be assured that we can pay your fee , ’ and Calatin looked pleased .
24 Rulers who argue that a country has to be well-off before it can afford to be politically decent to its people are generally providing themselves with an excuse for continuing in their bad old ways .
25 At Glasgow School of Art , she was lucky enough to have a teacher who understood that an artist has to ‘ break down some kind of barrier within yourself ’ , transcending stifling Scottish morality .
26 Mrs Chamberlain , who insisted that a dingo had killed the baby , was released after three-and-a-half years in jail .
27 Quote the story of the old soldier who saw that a watch had fallen into a bear-pit , climbed down into it , and was eaten .
28 In this respect the Association was an important influence on later youth workers who saw that a combination of religion , recreation and welfare could capture the allegiance of members , and thus provide numerous opportunities for their social education .
29 The second half of section 12(1) deals with persons who knowing that a conveyance has been taken without authority , drives it or allows himself to be carried in or on it .
30 A teacher who suspects that a colleague has acted improperly towards a pupil must not be deterred from disclosing his or her concern because of fears about the effect on employment prospects .
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