Example sentences of "who [verb] he [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 I was the one who recommended him to try for the job .
2 He went home on the Saturday night of his third week with someone who invited him to stay for Sunday lunch .
3 He had to report to the headmaster at four o'clock , and was taken there by force by Foggerty who caught him racing for the school gates when the bell went .
4 But being steeped , like them , in the philosophy that if one did a job at all one might as well do it splendidly — or at least a good deal better than the Braithwaites — he had built a very decent stone school with a walled yard and a tiny house attached for the use of the teacher , where anyone who paid him rent for his mill-cottages or any of his other employees who resided elsewhere might send their children — to suit the convenience of the teacher — free of charge .
5 It was Ben Crenshaw who persuaded him to enter for the 1981 Open .
6 Len 's mop of unruly fair hair always made him stand out in a crowded goalmouth but , even over 30 years later , he continues to stand out in the memories of Palace fans who saw him play for our club .
7 Billy was not a great goalscorer , but everyone who saw him play for the Palace is agreed that he helped to make hundreds of them for us .
8 Who does he work for , then ?
9 ‘ I dunno. — I said : ‘ Who does he work for ? ’ ’
10 Who does he work for ? ’ asked the woman in a clear voice .
11 Who does he work for ?
12 Fry , who admits he fears for his safety , wants Flashman investigated by Barnet police over allegations that the former ticket tout threa-tened him and the players .
13 To this end he had selected two Embassy secretaries as helpers , with brains to equal beauty , who matched him drink for drink late into the night , then killed their hangovers in work .
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