Example sentences of "who [verb] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Also racing in Holland is Liverpool Women 's 10k winner Suzanne Rigg ( Warrington AC ) , who goes in the 10,000 metres .
2 The attitude of outside well-wishers has too often been like that of a left-wing friend of mine who asked in the early days of the Grunwick strike ‘ Who is doing the organising there ? ’ — as though the workers were just so much raw material waiting to be organised .
3 Throughout the meeting he has been observing one student , possibly in his thirties , who sits in a long wheelchair with his legs straight , parallel with the floor .
4 The kind who sits in a little island in the middle of a highly polished marble floor , looking gorgeous and untouchable , but … ’
5 Something about the gondola itself which is , after all , only Venice made manifest in the craft of the shipwright metamorphoses almost everyone who travels in it ; especially everyone who sits in the posher seat , the one with its back to the gondolier .
6 A similar gender difference was apparent in the time spent helping someone who lived in a separate household ; here 32 per cent of women but only 22 per cent of men spent ten hours or more each week on care-giving ( Green , 1988 , p. 21 ) .
7 Frederick , a man of limited imagination who thought himself to be the very model of a modern enlightened despot and who had travelled in Poland in his younger years , believed that the Polish nobles and gentry were fools and madmen , deluded Catholic warmongers who lived in a perpetual fog of political weakness and drunken anarchy .
8 ‘ Harry ’ had a paddock full of mares who lived in a semi wild state , receiving little handling and no extra feed .
9 Miss Hayes , who lived in a 21-room Victorian house overlooking the Hudson River at Nyack , acted in her first professional role at the age of six .
10 In an effort to remedy matters , Harriet decided to seek assistance from a tin miner 's family who lived in a small cottage a mile or so inland .
11 The call on Sanders elicited the information that the client in question had been a Herr Fedorov , who lived in a large house just north of the village .
12 But here too there is a danger of distortion : occupants who were very poor but lived in a house with masonry foundations , surrounded by heaps of discarded food debris , and who used poor quality pottery ( fragments of which would survive ) might well appear to have had better living conditions than the richer occupants of a site who lived in a large timber-built house , using high-quality wooden and leather vessels ( which would not usually survive ) , and were able to employ servants to remove debris from the immediate vicinity of the house .
13 Our builder suggested a lady whom he referred to as ‘ Barney ’ , who lived in a nearby village and had holiday cottages of her own .
14 At one point , one of the pupils renders ‘ … who lived in a pretty house with a large garden ’ as ‘ … who lived in a palace house with a little grandfather ’ .
15 She hesitated , remembering the large rambling house she 'd grown up in and the hours she had spent with Mrs Richards , their cook and housekeeper , who lived in a self-contained flat over the double garage .
16 When she was eight or nine years old , Myra had spent part of the summer holiday with her grandmother , who lived in a old schoolhouse in a small country village .
17 Old Granny Fordham , who lived in a lonely cottage on the Enderley estate , could n't afford luxuries like butter and eggs , and could n't easily get to the shops in the village , so it would be doing a real service to take Mrs. Grant 's gift to her .
18 But it was a time when the boy and his mother , who lived in a little cottage just outside the town , had to earn their living from growing their own vegetables and doing what they could to help other people in order to make a living .
19 He had three sons : James , a weaver , who lived in a little cottage without a chimney at Newton ; Jacob , a tailor of Brandwood who died young ; and Thomas , a labourer , who set up home in ‘ a poore pitifull hutt , built up to an old oake ’ at the side of Divlin Lane .
20 Pupils could select areas of a historical map , for example , and call up further screens of related data or sources — the census records of families who lived in a particular house , perhaps .
21 Didier had class-mates who lived in the extensive nineteenth-century houses , set back in their own grounds , on the hill behind the rue Victorie .
22 Martha was not the only child who lived in the highest settlement , but she was the only one who was ordered to school each day .
23 This view , named Nestorianism after Bishop Nestorius who lived in the fifth century , is still hinted at today .
24 The Buckinghamshire freeholders who lived in the immediate neighbourhood of the Tory local landowner , Sir John Verney , in fact also tended to poll in favour of the Whigs .
25 There were only three spaces available on a concreted section of the front garden and I normally left these for the use of Mrs Bradshaw and the two families who lived in the second-floor flats .
26 There was a peremptory sharpness to the knock which announced the presence of Mrs Bradshaw , a lady in her early sixties who lived in the next-door flat .
27 Harold was as well-mannered , she considered , as anyone in the University , including the stiff old Prebendary Porkadder , who lived in the next-door house with his housekeeper .
28 She paused and peered down the rocky road to make sure that none of the children who lived in the lower houses had followed her .
29 The war was unlikely to become much more than a dispute over frontier posts , in which success would depend to a considerable extent on winning the support of the Indians who lived in the wide area between the colonies .
30 A section of the hardboard wall was tugged aside , and Chrissie glimpsed the pale , unshaven features of the man who lived in the concealed room .
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