Example sentences of "who [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The MP 's on the Committee , who agreed unanimously on the report , criticise the Government 's record on energy efficiency , stating that energy efficiency " is the most obvious and most effective response to the problem of global warming " .
2 As Douglas and Ramsay stationed their people about one hundred yards out from the gateway , peering to see if the drawbridge was indeed down , they were startled by two figures who materialised out of the gloom from behind a low wall of the forecourt — and were almost leapt upon there and then .
3 But it was Wolf who succeeded best in the nineteenth century in bringing drama into natural history illustration .
4 ‘ We may be out of the running but we can still have a big say in who goes through to the United States , ’ said Hughes .
5 And judges Sir John Harvey-Jones and foot writer Jocelyn Dimbleby with presenter Loyd Grossman have to choose the winner who goes through to the final ‘ cook-off ’ in July .
6 But something about him had fastened itself to her memory , and she found herself saying to a bartender the night after , ‘ Do you know a boy , about fifteen or sixteen , a legit , who goes around with a large black dog ? ’
7 The winners of the best gross trophy then decide , either by mutual agreement or by a play-off , on the player who goes on to the national championships .
8 The lesson of the Square One Principle is this : the person who has the courage to go back when necessary is the one who goes on in the end .
9 Lord Haw-Haw , the British traitor who goes here by the name of Froelich , but whose real name is William Joyce and whose voice millions of English listen to on the radio every night , and his English wife were at the party , but I avoided them . ’
10 The wife and mother who goes out of the home to earn a wage , to escape being totally dependent on a man , being isolated in the home , and the penny-pinching that trying to make one wage feed the family involves , takes a second job .
11 Who goes out during the day and who stays in ?
12 Who goes up and who goes down in the rugby union leagues has still to be sorted out too …
13 Apted 's definitions do not seem to take into account the student who goes directly to the shelves and looks for a book for an essay topic .
14 I persisted , rather surprised that somebody who really had done something was so reticent , when there are people , like me for instance , who bleat on about the most tawdry experiences .
15 All 38 patients who complied strictly with the gluten free diet reported a considerable improvement in wellbeing and resolution of symptoms after starting the diet .
16 He replaces John Birch , who quit soon after the start of the season .
17 He 's gone part of the way along the r road by doing what you 've just been describing non-executive directors but erm it could be a weakness if he 's seen as a er erm a business man and cavalier as opposed to somebody who fits in with the style that the city 's always looking for .
18 Michael Banks it always was who gazed grimly at the enemy submarine from the bridge , Michael Banks who ignored the smoke pouring from his Spitfire 's engine as he trained his sights on the alien Messerschmidt .
19 Today the new Little People , those who dance nightly on the television screen , have ousted the old .
20 In fig. 122 Herakles stands three-quartered , offering the birds ' bodies ( lost ; we know the subject from Pausanias ) to Athena , who sits up on a rock on which her left hand rests , legs three-quartered away from Herakles , but she turns back towards him .
21 A friend of mine was driving on the M1 when he came up behind everybody 's un-favourite motorist , the one who sits resolutely in the middle land and refuses to move left , no matter how empty the inside lane .
22 Lorne and Lawrence Blair , who lived awhile with the forest-dwelling Punan Dyaks of Borneo , wanted to accompany the Dyaks on one of their hunting expeditions .
23 By the early 1980s only a few thousand of the million or so who lived elsewhere in the USSR had been able to return , despite an active campaign on their behalf by dissidents as well as Tatar activists .
24 Lucille , a Norman , had been raised on stories of the merciless English pirates who lived just across the Channel and who , for centuries , had raided her homeland to kill and burn and plunder .
25 Tom had been invited to share the celebration of old friends who lived just across the state border .
26 Three who suffered particularly at the time were Richard and Phoebe Winch who lived just below the Centre and in whose house I often took my evening glass of ‘ allowed ’ claret , and Ann Willson who looked after me for the Saturday and Sunday .
27 The uncrowded Musée des Beaux Arts , 3 Rue de la Régence , contains paintings by Brue ( who lived just down the hill in the Rue Haute ) , Rubens , Ensor and Magritte .
28 One Y6 thought vaguely about inviting Michael Jackson but finally plumped for the local third-division full-back who lived just down the road .
29 He was a small boy of six who lived just around the corner from her , and for days he had been going on about this great talking parrot his father had given him .
30 The fiery blast killed everyone on deck instantly , with the single exception of the captain , who lived on for a short time before becoming unconscious and falling overboard .
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