Example sentences of "who [verb] [prep] the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It was a dramatic and impractical outfit of a kind I only expected to see on the male models who posed in the more outlandish fashion magazines that our rich clients brought aboard Wavebreaker , yet Jesse Isambard Sweetman managed to wear the elaborate style with an elegant insouciance .
2 It may have disappointed many fearless patriots like John Wayne , who presided over the fragrantly entitled ‘ Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals ’ .
3 On behalf of this group I would like to present to the Council a petition containing in excess of two thousand signatures from people throughout the metropolitan district who object to the originally reported suggestion that Metropolitan Council are proposing to make byelaws requiring that all dogs should be kept on leads at all times in all public places .
4 " No skin off my nose , " said Alexander , who veered between the absurdly avuncular , the undignified childish — and something else — whenever he allowed Frederica to trap him into talk .
5 It is a constant of any Minister 's experience — my hon. Friend referred to his experience as a Minister — that when a new scheme is introduced , there will always be somebody who did the same thing on his own initiative in the previous year and who feels that those who benefit from the newly introduced scheme are receiving an unfair advantage over the individual who took the real risk and did it himself .
6 Investors who register with the specially established share shops or the share information office are to be offered a discount of 10p on each of the second and third instalments on allocations of up to 1,000 shares , or a one-for-15 share bonus after three years on allocations of up to 1,500 shares .
7 Even more bitter were the attacks on the behaviour of the demi-mondaines who did not hesitate to parade ‘ the profits of their vice ’ in front of decent folk and whose example , so it was said , influenced young women of good society : ‘ Among young women who count amongst the best bred and the best brought up , there are those who do not hesitate to copy the manners and behaviour of girls of easy virtue . ’
8 Of 90 women surveyed , those who ate in the very late stages of pregnancy had their babies approximately 1½ hours earlier than the others .
9 It also looks after United Distillers and Guinness Brewing Worldwide employees and makes sure that those who travel to the far flung parts of Guinness 's empire have the right inoculations and advice for their trips .
10 Given the central objective of this category of public interest immunity as ‘ the maintenance of an honourable , disciplined , law-abiding and uncorrupt police force , ’ given the grave public disquiet understandably aroused by proven malpractice on the part of some at least of those who served in the now disbanded West Midlands Serious Crime Squad , given the extensive publicity already attaching to the documents here in question following the appellant 's successful appeal , it seems to us nothing short of absurd to suppose that those who co-operated in this investigation — largely other police officers and court officials — will regret that co-operation , or that future generations of potential witnesses will withhold it , were this court now to release the documents to C.N.L. to enable them to defeat if they can an allegedly corrupt claim in damages .
11 He could imagine the unfamiliarity of such an approach to a policeman used to witnesses who worked on the fairly simple patterns of response found on the Cumbermound council estate .
12 MR Oliver Letwin , the Conservative candidate for Hampstead who lost to the somewhat more primal Miss Glenda Jackson , should take heart .
13 Their lives have a totally separate base , their vital points of reference are distinctly different from the majority who dwell in the more materially blessed urban areas .
14 Some Social Democrats analysed Russia as partly an Asiatic mode of production , a position denounced by Lenin , who insisted on the fully capitalist character of the Russian economy and hence its ripeness for socialist agitation .
15 IN THE world of pharmaceuticals it is not only marketing men who go for the hard sell .
16 The European Council reaffirmed its determination to act quickly to help the people of the Soviet Union and in particular those who live in the heavily populated areas of Moscow and St. Petersburg .
17 It will protect , at the expense of the rest , those people in Wales who live in the most expensive properties .
18 Darlington Community Health Council yesterday discussed the problem of delays in reaching patients who live in the more remote areas of Teesdale .
19 Yesterday members of the Darlington Community Health Council discussed the problem of delays in reaching patients who live in the more remote areas of Teesdale .
20 Here , endears himself to the working scientist who tires of the seemingly endless efforts by historians to dig up some obscure individual who ‘ did it first ’ .
21 What 's the screen name of this couple who appeared in the very early days ? ( 2 points ) .
22 This will be disappointing for a reader who expects at the least some evaluation of the shows .
23 ( in fact , far from being considered inappropriate , the word ‘ bin ’ is now thought highly suitable among people who work with the mentally handicapped to describe large hospitals , but the irony tends to elude the general public ) .
24 Yet many people who work with the mentally handicapped find it depressing , difficult and unfulfilling .
25 There remain , however , a few dancers who excel in the purely classical roles , which an audience demands because they are still testing grounds for particular talents .
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