Example sentences of "who [verb] [prep] [be] the " in BNC.

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1 It will threaten the jobs , status , and opportunities of a good many people in the organization , especially the long-serving , middle-aged people in middle management who tend to be the least mobile and to feel most secure in their work , their positions , their relationships , and their behavior .
2 Providing the disabled person is entitled to receive mobility allowance , it need not necessarily be the disabled person who has to be the driver of the vehicle .
3 Who wants to be the Timothy Leary of Loco Weed ?
4 Who wants to be the disco king ?
5 Who wants to be the disco kings ?
6 One of these referred to the old man who seemed to be the self-appointed guide to the Bowder Stone , that most popular tourist attraction , which hangs precariously , as it hung then , in Borrowdale .
7 ‘ It is all right , ’ said one who seemed to be the leader of them .
8 Seen taking snaps of the mud ( yes , we said mud ) divers on the Sunday was cult film-maker JIM JARMUSCH who seemed to be the only one interested in watching what was otherwise a truly sad spectacle .
9 People stood about meeting planes , men who seemed to be the drivers of hired cars carrying placards with the names of people or companies printed on them , families waiting for a returning father , a strange old woman in a red cloak , chewing gum .
10 Parish Chairperson — one of the helper catechists who undertakes to be the link with the clergy and the parish community .
11 So we thought we would have to lose either the display case or the rebuilt wall — and then an old friend of ours , who happens to be the Emeritus Professor of Suburban Buildings at the University of Lutterworth , visiting one day , told us that these houses never actually had a dividing wall between the front room and the back parlour-so we had to take the whole wall out and remodel the opening in the original style , with a simple lintel and unadorned verticals , which we bought at auction in Fyfe . ’
12 Then another friend , David Vercoe , who happens to be the controller for Radio 2 , suggested it for the Jamieson show .
13 Compare the level of formality in the above dialogue with that in the following extract from another dialogue where Charles is talking to his father , who happens to be the Assistant Commissioner of Scotland Yard :
14 Is it true that a former DTI Minister , who happens to be the current treasurer of the Conservative party — the noble Lord Beaverbrook — in five months made a profit of £50 million by purchasing and then selling a huge tract of the fragile Guyana rain forest ?
15 He told me how he had been deceived by a young man who claimed to be the son of a banker , and he had lost money in a gambling casino because he believed the con artist .
16 There was Desmond Dekker , Laurel Aitken , ( who claimed to be the father of ska ) , Bob Marley , Harry J and the All-Stars .
17 A certain Major Byron , who claimed to be the son of the poet , specialised in Keats , Shelley and his putative father .
18 Former BBC sports presenter and Green Party speaker Icke , 40 , who claimed to be the son of God , was protesting against extending the M3 at Twyford Down , Hants .
19 Paddy made for Dad , who happened to be the only customer standing at the bar counter , awaiting his change .
20 It 's interesting who get to be the ‘ authoritative ’ women in television .
21 The line of Louis I was continued in La Couture through the descendants of his son Louis ( married to Marie Francard ) , until the death of his great grandson , Louis , who appears to be the last known descendant of the Hotteterre makers .
22 Mr Levy , a Moroccan-born former building worker , who aspired to be the next Likud leader , announced his intention to resign last week in a power struggle with Mr Shamir .
23 That is not , in any way , to take away from the fine documentation of every tournament played in 1991 , many of which were penned by British tennis journalists , who continue to be the most travelled in the world .
24 PAIN is a national charitable organisation which offers advice , counselling and support to parents , children , extended family and professional carers who claim to be the victims of procedural and/or legal injustice within the child protection system .
25 The man who hopes to be the next Nigel Mansell .
26 There are a lot of people who know of a colleague who appeared to be the last person to go under — ‘ Jim always seemed such a jolly , easygoing chap ’ — until his absence one day was followed by news of his nervous breakdown , or heart attack , or suicide .
27 For one who claims to be the champion of European unity , M. Delors is its worst advocate , having a unique capacity to raise the hackles of the British people .
28 A man who claims to be the kidnapper of the estate agent , Stephanie Slater , has written to the Police to deny the murder of teenager , Julie Dart .
29 After all , it was they who tended to be the main victims of burglary , assault , and other forms of violent crime .
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