Example sentences of "who [verb] [prep] [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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1 It was a man wearing an overcoat pulled high around his neck who succeeded in getting the chance to speak as Gerrard thrust the microphone at him .
2 This was shortly after Indonesia 's independence , when chaos racked the nation and Celebes was terrorized by the " Darul Islam " rebels , an Islamic fundamentalist group who succeeded in capturing the entire medical team and holding them hostage for eighteen months .
3 The only protest group was in fact called the Quantock Seaboard Defence Committee , who succeeded in obtaining the support of the architectural author Ian Nairn .
4 She advises everyone to avoid Ecstasy , but has risk limitation tips for those who insist on taking the drug .
5 However , there are a number of these bureau who insist on advertising the fact that they have a typesetter when they do n't .
6 Some bands are extremely keen to sign with a respected manager who insists on collecting the artist 's money .
7 At home too — especially if you have a partner who persists in leaving the towels in a soggy heap on the bathroom floor — Cozydry could be a useful investment .
8 Aromatherapists now have the weight of scientific evidence to drop on the die-hard sceptics who delight in ridiculing the ‘ airy-faerie ’ practice of aromatherapy .
9 Among those who could not be trusted were colleagues even closer to home , right inside the NSC , who believed in presenting the President with ‘ ranges of options ’ for his policies in Iran or Central America .
10 The heir to the throne , a shy , sensitive boy , was often held upside down over the lavatory by schoolmates who delighted in pulling the chain .
11 I managed to get a fairly good seat , and it was my fortune to sit next to a man who delighted in explaining the nuances of the case to a foreigner .
12 Since elitists tend to begin by assuming that power is located within the minority , they offer a different perspective to that of behaviourists who begin by questioning the term ‘ power ’ .
13 Long-term employment also allows management to decide rationally to make large-scale investments in upgrading the skills of their workforce and in training them , secure in the knowledge that the investment will earn them a return , rather than accrue to someone else who succeeds in poaching the labour away .
14 I had arrived in the morning on a China Air flight from Taipei to be met by an ‘ expediter ’ : someone who specializes in facilitating the arrivals and departures of important people .
15 Anybody who disagrees with giving the pensioners the right to watch T V without having to pay a licence charge is either the English football manager hoping to God nobody sees the team playing , or is a Norwegian player wanting to protect our old older members of the community from an early grave .
16 Effective presidents , according to the criteria used in this book , are those who succeed in translating the proposals they have advanced on the campaign trail into policy action .
17 Ditton , who started by using the lavatory as a place to make notes secretly , took his first notes on lavatory paper .
18 The public gardens beside the palazzo were laid out in 1784 by Giuseppe Piermarini who started by uniting the gardens and orchards of several monasteries .
19 The banks , threatened with the loss of many lucrative transactions ( and with expensive computer networks to maintain ) were not co-operating with the authorities , who talked of sending the police round to see that they did .
20 The words of the Fourth Commandment are uncompromising and it 's assumed that so also are those who believe in keeping the Sabbath .
21 ‘ The man who dreamed of toppling the Deutschmark carries the responsibility for the single most disastrous day in our post-war economic history , ’ he said .
22 And at once she remembers Columbus , he envisions her remembering him , the invisible man who dreams of entering the invisible world , the unknown and perhaps even unknowable world beyond the edge of things , beyond the stone bowl of the everyday , beyond the thick blood of the sea .
23 Also exempt would be a contract which could or should have been governed by one of the systems of law in the UK , where s 27(2) ( b ) does not apply , and the parties have chosen a foreign proper law for a genuine reason other than evasion of the UCTA ( eg because the other party was a foreigner who insisted on using the law of his own jurisdiction as the governing law of the contract ) .
24 According to legend , the SFA , who insisted on picking the team by committee , had forgotten to provide training strips and the team were forced to wear a multi-coloured melange of club strips and borrowed jerseys .
25 That France emerged from the war with some pride restored was due to the existence of the Resistance , who insisted on maintaining the struggle against Germany .
26 But it was Portsmouth who looked like taking the lead .
27 Born with a silver spoon in his mouth , as they say , his worries were on a much higher financial plane than those of us who worried about making the pay packet last to the end of the month .
28 Although there are those who cavil at using the term ‘ minister ’ for anyone other than those who are ordained , there is no doubt of the significance of the musician 's role .
29 The people who thought of buying the house were still hovering , unable to make up their minds , and this entailed some dreary visits to the estate agents .
30 These would hit the popular audience — the old-style Mirror readers who wrote in bemoaning the trivialization of their paper .
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