Example sentences of "who [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The race was dominated by 1992 champion Bryan McMonagle who qualified on pole position , led from start to finish and set fastest lap along the way .
2 Keith is a good looking but scruffy 4-year-old who goes to nursery unit ( attached to a primary school ) five mornings a week .
3 BOGOTA ( Agencies ) — A leading member of the Medellin cocaine cartel who resorted to plastic surgery to avoid arrest has been captured and will face extradition to the United States , the Colombian authorities said yesterday .
4 The broadcasting ‘ liberalization ’ phase under ‘ Chaban ’ had ended : the broadcasting law of July 1972 had distinguished between the state monopoly of radio and television broadcasting and the public organization ( ORTF ( entrusted with the monopoly ; the same law increased — on paper — the autonomy of ORTF and the powers of the ‘ MD ’ who became in addition chairman of the board of directors ( 'PDG' ) ; but conflicts arose between the first ‘ PDG ’ , Arthur Conte , and the Information Minister , Philippe Malaud .
5 Among the interesting personalities I encountered as a CBC Talks Producer was the vigorous gnarled-looking retired Indian civil servant , Sir Robert Holland , who lived on Beach Drive in Victoria with his charming niece , Miss Small .
6 By 1891 Thomas Patterson Gillespie , who lived at Cone House , was making ‘ blottings , printings , news , E.S .
7 A wonderful time for children , but not so good for thousands in cities , nor for the countrymen who lived at subsistence level , and never knew what it was to have a holiday .
8 Well it , it must have been heart trouble the earliest memory I have of that is mother sending me with a neighbour out of Street , a Mrs , to tell my Aunt Lucy which was my dad 's sister , who lived in Street house , house was right opposite their gateway , now Aunt Lucy and there was er her family she w married a fella in and her daughter , her son and me uncle was my dad 's brother , I lived in the house with her , but er I remember tagging this Mrs from the Street down to Street along road and past the hospital , then along Walk and I up in Street , and er tagging Mrs and er Mrs had never met Aunt Lucy and er me Aunt Lucy suffered , what in those days they call it white leg , a woman 's complaint she was bedridden and er when we went in she must have asked why we were there , Mrs was a little bit flabbergasted and I blurted it out oh me dad 's dead , and me Aunt Lucy nearly went into hysterics , so that 's , that 's all I can manage I remember about that .
9 There is a date stone here , 1666 , ( the date of the Fire of London ) and the initials of George and Eleanor Browne , who lived in Town End at that time .
10 Even the Sun avoids the pejorative term , ‘ girl ’ , for this 23-year-old woman whose reputation comes out unscathed from the media coverage — Brute was burned alive by mother who lived in fear SEX SLAVE JAILED FOR KILLING SADIST LOVER ( Daily Mail ) ; SEX-SLAVE MUM GETS 3 YEARS IN JAIL She burned kinky lover ( Sun ) .
11 the daughter or Sir Chaloner Chute , who was Knight of the Shire of Middlesex , also Treasurer of the Middle Temple , and lived in Sutton Court , married Henry Barker who lived in Grove House .
12 Apart from the afternoon 's normal deliveries , there were five names on Luke 's list who lived within delivery distance of the Rose Bowl .
13 He said that there had been an unprecedented 37 per cent rise in the number of recently arrived Soviet Jews who applied for unemployment benefit in March , as increasing numbers ended their initial period of direct state support .
14 Mr Baker said many of the 45,000 people who applied for refugee status in Britain last year were bogus .
15 Yes , but , Dan if Dan has read an extremely interesting article about this actor who plays in Star Trek , and he meets his friend who is also a Star Trek fan .
16 Strategy for Personal RISC Systems began to be laid two years ago , according to Filip , who consulted with PC chief Jim Cannavino and cut the deal with Nobi Mii , head of the Entry Systems Technology Group .
17 Visitors and holidaymakers who suffer from machine knitting withdrawal symptoms are welcome at the meetings !
18 Most children who suffer from day wetting have primary enuresis , that is they have never been dry by day .
19 The racket in question is the new Asymmetric NF2 , which has an asymmetric head design , an innovative bonus for those who suffer from tennis elbow .
20 Therefore it does not seem to be necessary to encourage people who suffer from Chemical Dependency also to give up cigarette smoking ( except on grounds of general health ) for fear that it will spark off the compulsion to return to use of the original addictive drug of choice .
21 I think a lot of people who suffer from asthma type diseases here do suffer quite severely erm because of this and I think that at some point we 're probably going to have to , to look at it and try and devise a system which , which allows us to pick up the grass .
22 While appreciating the need to continue good exporting conditions for this major Scottish commodity , one could argue that perhaps much of the tax revenue goes straight back into the system to treat those many people who suffer from alcohol misuse or abuse ( not just whisky , of course ) .
23 There are a hundred and seventy thousand people in Scotland who qualify for income support , whether they get it or not is not the point , but that 's the size of the problem .
24 ‘ We will be mainly using the NGV for visiting householders in the Bristol and Avon area who qualify for home improvement grants under the government 's Home Efficiency Energy Scheme . ’
25 WHILE the leaders of all three main political parties seem intent on dragging us into closer union with Europe , there must be millions like me who fought in World War Two to stop Germany dominating the Continent .
26 Bouge De La was formed by a group of friends who met at drama school in Paris .
27 ‘ Jazz exploded in London in the mid-Eighties , but only a handful of people got a deal out of it , ’ says Geoff , who got into hip hop via rare groove and whose CV includes organising CND and Artists Against Apartheid benefits , putting on jazz rap weekends to try and prove bands could carry it off live as well as on record , DJing at Camden 's Jazz Cafe and , until recently , booking the bands there too .
28 He is often confused with another Duncan Campbell who writes about state secrecy and whose Inland Revenue demands he sometimes receives .
29 Forty-four-year-old Graham Bowden , an engineering supervisor , who lives at Lord Mayor Treloar Hospital , appeared before the town 's magistrates on Friday .
30 Sandy Phillips who lives in Forest Edge , Blacknest , was equally furious .
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