Example sentences of "who [verb] [verb] him a " in BNC.

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1 Cheered on by the huge German crowd , who 'd given him a two-minute standing ovation when his record was read out during the knock-up , Becker was devastating in the first set .
2 Beatrice who had made him a man .
3 In that year 's elections McCarthy went for Senator Tydings of Maryland , who had pronounced him a fraud , with typical unscrupulousness .
4 He was obliged to return to earth , however , by signs of excitement at the ramparts , which doubtless heralded another attack … and by the Padre who had asked him a question and was waiting with signs of impatience for his reply .
5 ‘ Are you out of your … ? his father stopped and looked in a startled manner at his mother , who had given him a sharp dig , then began to cough .
6 He was questioned about his earlier activities , and told his interrogators that he had been encouraged in his attack on royal policies by Catherine 's confessor , Father William Peto , and by John Fisher , bishop of Rochester [ qq.v. ] , who had given him a tract he had written about papal primacy .
7 ‘ Down with the dog Ishaq , ’ yelled the crowd , passing judgment on the president who had sacked him a month earlier .
8 In a letter to the Stirling Conservative MP , Michael Forsyth , a defence minister of state , Archie Hamilton , assured his ministerial colleague — who had forwarded him a letter from a constituent in the Killin team — that ability to meet the agreed civil SAR response criteria would not be significantly altered with the closure of Leuchars .
9 He had resolved to keep it for the whole year , egged on by his father , who had promised him a new bicycle if he succeeded .
10 Then he noticed that a boy , who had passed him a few minutes before , had returned , and was now looking at him carefully from the opposite side of the road .
11 He also agreed to talk to his father , who had helped him a good deal in the past .
12 It may be that at this time he was retained also by Simon of Montfort , Earl of Leicester [ q.v. ] , who had awarded him a money fee before 1245 .
13 He turned up unannounced one day , during a break from a television appearance , with a minder who wanted to give him a taste of real working-class London .
14 Bush had every reason to expect an easy victory , the ultimate Christmas gift to an adoring American public , who have granted him a record approval rating in the opinion polls .
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