Example sentences of "who [verb] [vb pp] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is linked to the preamp by means of a lockable multi-pin connector , which is a very sensible idea , as anyone who has suffered from the lead-as-tripwire syndrome will no doubt agree .
2 Douglas , who has retired from the England squad , has lost only twice this season — to the No 1 Carl Prean at the English National 's final and nine days ago in the final of the Essex Open to Alan Cooke , who also moves up a place to No 4 .
3 MONICA SELES , the Yugoslav who has withdrawn from the Midland Bank Championships at Brighton later this month , is to be contacted by tournament organisers hoping for a change of heart .
4 The saint is the man who has withdrawn from the rough-and-tumble world of everyday living .
5 As everyone knows who has translated from a foreign language , it is no excuse for a bad translation that the meaning chosen was found in the dictionary ; for the document may be its own dictionary , showing an intention to use words in some special shade of meaning .
6 But top scorer John Taylor , who has shown disappointing form recently , could make way for Marcus Browning , who has returned from a loan spell with Hereford after scoring six goals in five games .
7 At the end of the poem Coleridge see himself almost as a shamanic figure who has returned from a prophetic trance , someone whose duty is to spread ‘ the milk of Paradise ’ .
8 I have appointed to a new post — the director general of resettlement — Major-General Burden who has returned from the British Army on the Rhine .
9 You will be groomed as a Dutch businessman , based in Rotterdam , who has returned from the East Indies .
10 Welsh international Russell Wiseman , who has graduated from the schoolboy ranks in Mold to become a key player with Boughton Hall , links up again with his former Mold team-mates wicketkeeper Brian Williams and the most prolific wicket taker in North Wales this year , Nigel Morris .
11 A woman who has recovered from a stroke or head injury may decide she would like to work for the first time , as part of the challenge of overcoming her illness .
12 The manager 's hand has been strengthened by the return of striker Steve McManaman , who has recovered from a back injury , and Dane Torben Piechnik , who was on World Cup duty in midweek .
13 He is replaced by Paul Weston , who has recovered from a neck injury , in the only change from the side which beat Sunderland 46–0 last week .
14 The 16-year-old English Schools champion , who has recovered from a knee injury , is gradually getting back to her best form and her target is beating her own British record of 42.9 secs recorded at Crystal Palace last season .
15 The Tyneside star , who has recovered from a groin injury , admitted afterwards : ‘ The Olympic Games seem a long way away .
16 A traveller who has come from a nearby town , where the Romans have already given out their orders ( low to equal status ) .
17 Another who has benefited from the visit to Switzerland is maintenance supervisor .
18 As a matter of fact er as the years went by we got this benevolent fund and we used to give all the old w as a mat we got a pension fund I know it do n't sound much now , but at that time like during and just after the War we paid twelve and sixpence a week pension to all everybody who 'd retired from the union after they 'd done time , and we also gave them extra grants and took them on er you know outings until a time I said , Well we 're spending all this money on outings , we could buy a bungalow at the seaside and let them all go you know pensioners go in their turn free .
19 There was one man near Tynemouth who was known as ‘ Dead Bodies ’ , so named because he earned seven and sixpence for collecting ( by hook ) the corpses of suicides who 'd jumped from the Tyne Bridge , ten miles up-river .
20 Every month he 'd read a list — it was a list of names of young men , and some women , who 'd vanished from the face of the earth .
21 The south-west was far enough from the established centres of power for those who felt excluded from the throne to use it as a launching pad for rebellion .
22 Despite the opposition of the dominant culture , the music of those within the culture but not of it , the blacks , found resonance with the experiences of others who felt alienated from the established order .
23 Most of the 25 NorthEasterners who died hailed from the Teesside area .
24 ‘ Name two players , ’ he said spontaneously , ‘ who 've gone from the Mill Field to Field Mill . ’
25 Who left departed from the fellowship , I think , is n't he ?
26 Former BNP members who had split from the party in July 1988 ( see p. 36558 ) formed the Bangladesh Democratic Party in July 1989 .
27 The two men , who had escaped from a coach taking them to the magistrates ' court in Reading , were taken to hospital to have their broken arms set in plaster .
28 Suddenly Hari thought of the man who had escaped from the prison , he was the same sort as Emily Grenfell , no doubt before he fell from grace they would have met and socialized .
29 Chief amongst them was Roger Mortimer of Wigmore , who had escaped from the Tower while under sentence of death .
30 Interestingly , there are signs that those who had escaped from the royal mouvance were not entirely comfortable in their independence .
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