Example sentences of "who [verb] [vb pp] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Here he was a barrow boy who became embroiled in a pitched battle with children in Wilcox Road market , South Lambeth .
2 A computerised operation to save rare plants and trees was launched by the Trust 's Botanical Consultant , Michael Lear , who became known in the media as ‘ Green Adair ’ .
3 This predicted 91% of fetuses who became distressed in the first stage of labour , and combination with ultrasonographic estimation of the volume of amniotic fluid improved prediction to 100% with only a slight fall in specificity .
4 The one who got shot in the chest when Special Branch and MIs tried to pick him up in Bayswater .
5 Look at the men who got killed in the Dardanelles because of him . ’
6 ‘ A smalltime crook who got caught in the crossfire when I was working on a story a couple of years ago .
7 As far as he was concerned , both she and her sister were two of a kind — cheap and unprincipled , living for the moment , regardless of who got hurt in the process .
8 While I am far too gentle and decent a person to criticise any Opposition Member who has joined in the expressions of appreciation of this action , I have to say , in the kindest possible way , that if the defence policies to which the Opposition subscribe — I include all the Opposition parties — were implemented , we should not be ordering a rowing boat , let alone three frigates .
9 4.5 In Lim Poh Choo v Camden and Islington Area Health Authority [ 1980 ] AC 174 ( per Lord Scarman giving the main speech with which the rest of their Lordships agreed ) the House of Lords re-affirmed what Lord Blackburn had said over 100 years ago : " the principle of the law is that compensation should as nearly as possible put the party who has suffered in the same position as he would have been if he had not sustained the wrong " ( Livingstone v Rawyards Coal Co ( 1880 ) 5 App Cas 25 , 39 ) .
10 Carl Rodgers , who has written in a clear , direct way about his experiences , is the strongest influence and in some ways a direct descendant of Alfred Adler .
11 It also contained her unconscious valedictory : As a Catholic observer who has lived in the Third World for nearly 30 years , I have followed developments in the Church , at times with despair but mostly with optimism .
12 Grubb , who has lived in the United States for some years , was brought into the British team that finished second in the Los Angeles Olympics , and will be coming to Britain hoping to make the Barcelona team .
13 After the hearing Mrs Todd , who has lived in the same house for 27 years , said she had no plans to move .
14 Mr Calvert , 63 , who has lived in the village for ten years , claimed when the row first surfaced two years ago the vicar was ‘ disturbing God 's peace ’ , and affecting his sleep .
15 Pensioner Sarah McKeown , who has lived in the area all her life , is settled into a new three-bedroomed house .
16 Sound advice from a man who has lived in the eyes of the media for the past 10 years .
17 ‘ The first film I did was with these other guys who were a little camera shy , ’ recalls Rod , who has appeared in a number of Sara 's group sex films .
18 I was going to finish there without saying any more because i cant be arsed writing , but basically there is a rich business man who has remained in the background because he dislikes Howard.Once Howard leaves , the money should come rolling in , or so the story goes .
19 Amnesty International 's Ex-Services Group is keen to contact any Amnesty member who has served in the armed forces .
20 He replied , ‘ Like one who has risen in the morning and does not know whether he will be dead in the evening . ’
21 The law does not permit the right of the press freely to report proceedings in open court to be fettered , notwithstanding that such reporting may be or would be embarrassing , damaging or inconvenient to an individual who has featured in the case .
22 The law does not permit the right of the press freely to report proceedings in open court to be fettered , notwithstanding that such reporting would be inconvenient , embarrassing or damaging to some individual who has featured in the case .
23 Although the king in The Magician who lost his Magic is not named in the story , he seems to be King Rollo , a character who has featured in an animated television series based on a series of David McKee 's books .
24 Readers must decide for themselves but should bear in mind the words of the man who has followed in the footsteps of Mr Jason Donovan as the eponymous star of Joseph And His Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat : ‘ It 's not the easiest thing in the world to be Phillip Schofield 's girlfriend . ’
25 ‘ He is a May 26 foal and I always thought he 'd be a better four-year-old , ’ said Stoute , who has pencilled in the Coronation Cup at Epsom , on June 4 , for the colt .
26 Anyone who has prosecuted in the criminal courts — I see a number of such hon. Members here — will know that , in case after case , it is necessary to bring in damaging things about third parties .
27 The role of Dr Runcie , who has wavered in the past , was crucial .
28 An example of this more sophisticated biological approach is the work of Hans Eysenck , who has argued in a series of studies , that there is a link between genetically based personality characteristics and criminal behaviour .
29 Gallian ( 53 ) , who has played in the Lancashire League , drove firmly through extra-cover , hitting six fours , and looks a useful cricketer .
30 Well , what about striker Damian Henderson ( 20 ) who has played in the Leeds reserves for at least the last two seasons .
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