Example sentences of "so [vb -s] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So goes the traditional explanation .
2 Or so goes the conventional wisdom .
3 In the inch wars , Ryvita helps you win — so goes the old advert punch line , but which of the two main Graphical User Interfaces is likely to be the one to give you the best operating environment ?
4 This indirectly modifies ( 20.10 ) to and so upsets the dimensional argument .
5 So has the parallel progress of women 's education , giving them at least in theory the same job opportunities as men .
6 True art , or the best art , has a dialogic structure , many voices , and so has the good society .
7 The ships have gone and so has the Black Rat , but the opportunist Brown Rat remains a threat ashore .
8 So has the common assumption that retirement from paid employment is ‘ far less drastic ’ for women than for men .
9 So says the Frozen Food Information Service ( FFIS ) , which has published a new guide , Take A Fresh Look at Frozen Foods , that tells you all you need to know about storing and thawing frozen food and what you can and ca n't freeze .
10 So says the American umpire , Dana Leconto , who has tried out the new Palm Unit , a hand-held microprocessor which logs all shots , reminds players of court and ball changes , keeps time and does everything but make line calls .
11 So says the modest Press release from local long haired weirdos Maniac ( pictured left ) , formed by ex-members of Panic , Triple X and Emerald .
12 So says the National Academy of Sciences in a report to the Environmental Protection Agency , published this week .
13 However it just so happens the last time an election was n't on a Thursday was in er I think it was nineteen thirty one when it was held on a Tuesday .
14 And yet this creature who so violates the natural order and traditional gender divisions by dressing as a man also does things better than a man : ‘ I should draw first and prove the quicker man ’ , she says ( iv .
15 And nothing in Italy — except perhaps the national football team — so titillates the Italian public as Ferrari .
16 In ( 19 ) and ( 20 ) we have the less common case of a property extended by an entity , E P ; we continue to assume that a qualified property remains a property : Where we are considering some actual form of words with a view to describing their categorizations and relationships , and especially where the phrases are somewhat more complex , it may be appropriate to partly invert the notation , and to omit the separate representation of the word-meaning , as in ( 21 ) which so depicts the intensional structure of ( 18 ) and ( 19 ) : Qualification is clearly an ordered relation and we shall assume that it is a binary relation ; one of the two elements related is the principal element ( on co-ordination , see Section 1.9 and Chapter 8 ) .
17 The problem with the political-business cycle literature lies in the fact that it attempts to deal with the popularity of governments and the nature of public policy-making solely on the basis of a consideration of economic variables alone and so isolates the economic dimension out of the larger political context and ignores the vital part played by non-economic factors in contributing to electoral success .
18 So speaks the perfunctory lawyer in Bleak House ( Ch 1 ) .
19 In other words this copies and so reads the entire disk .
20 Media advertising almost certainly has an effect , and so does the prior socialization of women for domesticity .
21 In fact as discount factors tend to unity so does the temporary reputation become permanent .
22 Europe 's grain harvest looks certain to hit the record books , so does the surplus grain mountain which ca n't be moved on world markets
23 So does the Labour party .
24 Thus , in both pairs of cases we have the result that as discount rates shrink , so does the sequential equilibrium strategy approach the dominant strategy type 's play .
25 So does the other way .
26 It can clearly be seen that , if the initial solution satisfies the boundary conditions appropriate for colliding waves , then so does the new solution .
27 If the rise in long-term interest rates threatens economic recovery , then so does the sharp rally in the yen .
28 Just as the wall belongs to every Berliner on both sides , East and West , so does the entire site which , which now is left fallow so to speak .
29 So does the United Left enter the fray with its prospects as promising as its hopes are high ?
30 The opposition parties support Iraq , and so does the Constitutional Union , which is in the ruling coalition .
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