Example sentences of "so [adj] as [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The walls were no longer quite so solid as they had seemed , and each white-suited attendant seemed to conceal an assassin dressed in black .
2 This is not so hypocritical as it sounds for Godwin hated violence and war .
3 To backtrack a little , the case is perhaps not so monolithic as I have implied : for which we have to return to the detail of Callinicos ' ‘ No ’ to Lukács .
4 The shield may not have proved quite so strong as they had expected , and in more recent times it has been supported by offensive weapons , such as inspections or investigations instigated by the Department of Trade and Industry .
5 He looked so frail as I watched Gavin help him out of the car , followed by the cat basket .
6 So it 's not so unbelievable as you think . ’
7 Lucifer 's face was so devil-like as he said it that he frightened even Izzie , a thing he had never done on stage .
8 One of the main planks of the CCAUK 's argument is that the Annual Percentage rate is not so high as it looks , since though most transactions are contracted for ( say ) 26 weeks , in fact they end up being repaid — with no series problem — in about 30 or 33 weeks , with no penalty .
9 Secondly , the raising of the school leaving age in 1947 meant that the difference between types of secondary schooling was not so marked as it had been .
10 this frog so interesting as I inspect its most secret
11 Under the Net ( 1954 ) , her first published fiction , is technically speaking a memoir-novel like Crusoe or Moll Flanders , being composed as autobiography in the first person ; and The Sea , the Sea ( 1978 ) , like Crusoe , is in part a diary where the narrator — male , as usual — is himself so unaware as he writes of the astonishing end there will be to kidnapping his lost love that the reader is as surprised as he when it finally unfolds : an audacious exploitation of the fictional memoir never attempted by Defoe himself .
12 ‘ But clever though the cruel invaders were , they were not quite so clever as they believed .
13 The style of the figures is manifestly provincial and need not be so early as it looks at first glance , but it can hardly be after the mid century .
14 not so easy as you think getting jobs
15 I had also never before been without a pattern to the future , and I was starting to realize that it might not all be quite so easy as I had imagined .
16 Getting into the Bristol Cancer Help Centre as a resident patient was n't quite so easy as I had imagined .
17 So , she thought , you are not so simple as you look .
18 I never understand why the teeth of winter bite so cruelly down into the bone , how daylight sickens from the east , why Elsbeth is so chill as I lie with her , why the nights are so long , without word or gleam .
19 She was still trying to cope with what she was beginning to realise was her over-reaction , though she could n't have said quite why she should feel so alarmed , when he told her coolly , ‘ You misunderstand me , Miss Everett , ’ and was on his feet too as , looking arrogantly down at her , he stated bluntly , ‘ Should I ever be so lucky as you suggest , then , be sure of it , I 'd throw away my rabbit 's foot , ’ and having forthrightly left her under no illusion but that should he ever get saddled with her then he would consider his luck had run out , he went on toughly , ‘ I already know the answer , but , for the record , I want to hear it from you — are you just playing around with Travis for the pure hell of it — or , ’ his voice had taken on a grim edge , ‘ are you in love with him ? ’
20 Besides , it is not quite so urgent as I thought .
21 And they were so patient as they waited for me to finish with my other visitors .
22 His face was so tense as he held her and gazed deep into her eyes .
23 Yet his views and Kennedy 's were not so dissimilar as they seemed .
24 Food never tastes so good as it does after a long day 's hike .
25 Well , erm , I know the forecast is n't quite so brilliant as it has been , I think but
26 This little old lady is not so innocent as she seems .
27 It had taken him only a few moments to discover , from his wife 's tirade , that Hank 's book was not quite so innocent as he had imagined ; however , any book that made so much money was a good book , in his opinion , and he had defended Hank hotly .
28 Do you suppose I run a rooming house , or can it be you are not so innocent as you appear ?
29 Assure you , my good liege , I hold my duty as I hold my soul , Both to my God and to my gracious King ; And I do think , or else this brain of mine Hunts not the trail of policy so sure As it hath used to do , that I have found The very cause of Hamlet 's lunacy …
30 ‘ Some hoped to be saved by going ; others did n't care if they were damned so long as they found new fields for profit and adventure .
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