Example sentences of "so [adv] [verb] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We know that niello is a metal sulphide , made by heating metal filings with sulphur , but could there be a continuity of tradition amongst the metalworkers of cultures so widely separated by time and geography ?
2 It is in this context of how far US reforms affected the substance of attitudes towards liberal democracy , that we uncover the origins of the positive view of Japan 's unique culture so widely publicized by writers like Nakane and Vogel .
3 The Contagious Diseases Act which had been so bitterly opposed by feminists like Butler , had extended well beyond sanitary supervision of common prostitutes .
4 Strange , is n't it , or perhaps not so strange , that the word is so much used by theoreticians and so little used by artists themselves ?
5 Settlement had also occurred elsewhere , and the Foreign and Colonial Offices were so badly weakened by alterations and were so inconvenient that an entirely new building would be the only way to provide suitable accommodation .
6 It was time to jettison a faith so badly shaken by events , and be a convert to outdated gradualism after all .
7 From the previous year he had been so badly affected by osteoarthritis that his mobility had become very restricted .
8 And now she was frightened of him — Dr Neil , who was so kind and good , and had already been so badly damaged by life
9 Essentially , we are talking about the cold war period , so brilliantly analysed by Mary Kaldor under the rubric of ‘ imaginary war ’ , and as far as Europe and relations between the Soviet Union and the United States are concerned , I have little to add .
10 Growth by suckering is merely an extension of its own life ; it achieves reproduction by producing seeds which are encased in the edible fruit so fondly admired by birds .
11 He ignites the imagination , nevertheless , with glancing observations of Skye ‘ … so much indented by inlets of the Sea , that there is no part of it removed from the water by more than six miles ’ .
12 Britain has been so much influenced by America we no longer consider Woolies , Mars bars and shopping malls ( see last week ) to be American .
13 But here again the knowledge is so practical , so much preconditioned by behaviour , that it can be taught and is taught mainly by doing what they are told to do on particular occasions and by not being allowed to do or to touch certain things that are always within their experience .
14 Our bondage to society is not so much established by conquest as by collusion … we are entrapped by our own social nature .
15 Their foil in the north gallery is a selection of eight important Minimalist sculptures by Barnett Newman , Robert Morris , Donald Judd , Sol LeWitt and Carl André , represented by a magnesium floor sculpture and ‘ Equivalent VIII ’ , the brick sculpture so much discussed by London 's taxi drivers .
16 Sandy was so much taken by surprise that her sickness was forgotten .
17 Strange , is n't it , or perhaps not so strange , that the word is so much used by theoreticians and so little used by artists themselves ?
18 Turner 's Slave Ship which was so highly praised by Ruskin , shows faithfully the horror and evil of that traffic and it is the emotion , not the technique that has given the painting its immortality .
19 In my opinion Karenin acted in quite an unpredictable way but I think this was because he was so entirely shattered by Anna 's actions .
20 Indeed those who drew up the blue-print for the Common Market in the 1956 Spaak Report sought to make available to Europeans those advantages so long enjoyed by US manufacturers in the USA 's single market .
21 By the eighteenth century , the music of the Iberian Peninsula , so long dominated by North European developments , had a decidedly Italianate weave : Scarlattian , even occasionally Vivaldian threads run through the texture .
22 Mrs Crumwallis paused in the piling up of cups and saucers and the conserving of uneaten biscuits ( so generously supplied by Miss Gilberd ) for future boarders ' teas .
23 In passing judgement on these crucial issues the historian is so easily blinkered by hindsight .
24 We are not so easily fooled by reflections in lakes or puddles .
25 ‘ CT ST N T MT , ’ will soon be exposed by crossword buffs as ‘ The cat sat on the mat , ’ but place names are not so easily guessed by context .
26 Indeed , Ramsay 's secret societies , the Nordic League and the Right Club , were so easily penetrated by intelligence agents , and the government has now released some of this material , that when this information is checked against independent sources it becomes possible to present a plausible account of what the British fascists were up to during 1939 and 1940 .
27 The small money value of profits earned on minor sales can be so quickly absorbed by overheads that the whole exercise is hardly worthwhile .
28 One does n't want to wallow in the nostalgia trap so temptingly set by TV Heaven and its bebow-tied host Frank Muir ( though they show Honor Blackman in her Avengers leather kit , it 's hard to resist ) , but Old Boy Network is a long way from The Likely Lads .
29 Fears for the stability of central Europe so bluntly expressed by Pravda this week are shared in Bonn , London and Washington .
30 His appearance , conjured up by the magic of Central Office , had a curiously calming effect , and it was not long before those who had been so rudely awakened by Tebbit 's demarche , to say nothing of the sight of so many Scottish rumps , were , once again safe in the arms of Morpheus .
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