Example sentences of "so [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 This was obviously not Silvia , Guido 's cousin with whom Jeff had so unwisely fallen in love !
32 He saw that Lewis would not re-enter Christianity by a new door but by the old one : at least in the sense that in taking it up again he would also take up again or reawaken the prejudices so sedulously planted in childhood and boyhood .
33 No amount of modification to any of the existing faiths could ever have the so greatly longed for effect , only a completely new religious concept based on a credible ‘ god ’ can be successful .
34 So just think of resistance as sort of something that stops the current , and as you increase it the current gets less .
35 Such sweet months , so richly embroidered into earth 's beauty-dress ,
36 It is difficult to believe that a writer who writes such drivel as does Paul Gallico could be so unpleasantly deluded with grandeur .
37 Burleigh itself had been founded — no , started — between the wars , had survived the Depression ( as the South of England middle classes in general had so signally managed to coast blithely through the Depression ) and had offered over the years an alternative to the Grammar , Secondary Modern and Technical Schools of the town of Cullbridge .
38 He had begun to feel that Carrie was really growing to love him , and having borne him his first child the future had seemed so promising , but now today he had been reminded that everything he had hoped and prayed for could so easily crumble into dust .
39 Decretal letters , in answer to queries about particular legal points , came to be the major source of declaration during the twelfth century , more numerous than the decrees of councils but not so easily disseminated for use .
40 If people were no longer so easily frightened into docility , new ways would have to be found to make them ductile .
41 In passing judgement on these crucial issues the historian is so easily blinkered by hindsight .
42 But most of the mealtime was spent with her either backing away from his leading philandering comments , or racking her brain to think of some comments or questions of her own — other than those that so easily sprang to mind , but which all centred around his employer .
43 Why bother , when we could so easily pay in cash ?
44 ‘ CT ST N T MT , ’ will soon be exposed by crossword buffs as ‘ The cat sat on the mat , ’ but place names are not so easily guessed by context .
45 Do not pile up plates or saucepans higgledy - piggledy on a high shelf , where they can so easily fall on top of you when you reach up for something .
46 Men are not quite so easily put off sex .
47 Indeed , Ramsay 's secret societies , the Nordic League and the Right Club , were so easily penetrated by intelligence agents , and the government has now released some of this material , that when this information is checked against independent sources it becomes possible to present a plausible account of what the British fascists were up to during 1939 and 1940 .
48 Even if one remains within the traditional canon of the eighteenth century , it is hard to believe that a major critic could so easily dispense with Goldsmith , Crabbe , and Burns .
49 One does n't want to wallow in the nostalgia trap so temptingly set by TV Heaven and its bebow-tied host Frank Muir ( though they show Honor Blackman in her Avengers leather kit , it 's hard to resist ) , but Old Boy Network is a long way from The Likely Lads .
50 Balor had never been so rudely awoken from slumber in his life .
51 In the South , where Labour was not so deeply influenced by trade-union traditions , the local parties were becoming an increasingly coherent pressure group with a common outlook and a tendency to look outside the Labour Party and towards the Communists for ideological guidance .
52 In a society so deeply divided by class ( and gender and race ) inequalities , and increasingly dominated by the privatised technological culture of late capitalism , the social purpose orientation alone is now inadequate , however admirable it may have been in the past .
53 Horace Walpole described her as having a ‘ paltry air of significant learning and absurdity ’ , and added that she was so totally lacking in humour that ‘ she repined when she should laugh and reasoned when she should be diverted ’ .
54 Engels 's argument is clear : the Germans were able to vanquish the Romans because their society was not so internally corrupted by class .
55 He received international recognition from England manager Graham Taylor , and figured in Boro 's Rumbelows League Cup run to the semi-finals which so nearly ended in glory .
56 It so nearly ended in tragedy .
57 Both explored the breakup of wartime solidarity , the liberation of former restraints on individual selfishness and the irruption of dark , subversive and irrational forces to tear down the cosy myths so assiduously cultivated during wartime .
58 Petrol was so strictly rationed in wartime that bikes were always in demand .
59 It should be self-evident , therefore , that where individual behaviour can be so extensively influenced by conformity to the standards of the social groups that make up our community and its social strata , then there will be major implications for the marketer .
60 Not all religious sites were so openly associated with water , however , despite its popularity in Celtic theology , but caution is necessary when trying to identify religion as the primary function for a settlement 's foundation and continued existence , as so many small towns possessed at least one temple .
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