Example sentences of "as a [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Backpackers should make sure they 're in good shape , though , as the scale of the climbs and descents can come as a shock to UK walkers .
2 It was plain for all to see that his father 's ultimatum had come as a shock to Jonna .
3 The exponential growth in CMEA debt ( from $6 billion in 1970 to $58.3 billion in 1981 ) has come as a shock to borrower and lender alike .
4 It came as a shock to Stella , learning that educated people like Dotty Blundell and Meredith adhered to such a faith .
5 John XXII 's independence came as a shock to Edward II , for no pope could have been more obliging to the king than Clement V , himself a former royal clerk .
6 He was so small and weak that illness was to be expected , but this still came as a shock to Tess .
7 The reduction of imports of Soviet fertilizer was also seen as a threat to grain production , one of Vietnam 's major successes in recent years .
8 A European Commission statement issued on Oct. 8 on behalf of the European Communities ( EC ) warned that this extension of the existing 30-year US embargo " had the potential to cause grave damage to the transatlantic relationship " , adding that it could not accept that " the USA unilaterally determines and restricts EC economic and commercial relations with any foreign nation which has not been designated by the UN as a threat to peace or order " .
9 Heresy becomes a social solecism , a self-declared exile , as the personal history of Protestant converts amply proves : George Borrow 's Bible peddling was regarded as a threat to society itself or an incomprehensible eccentricity .
10 An engineer may be seen as a threat to society when designing a plant which generates toxic waste , but to be protecting society if working on a flood prevention scheme .
11 This plot gave expression to one of Asimov 's pet hates , ‘ pseudo-science ’ , which he saw as a threat to liberty .
12 The idea of democracy as a threat to liberty was not new , as we have seen ; but it was to play a central role in modern liberal thinking about democracy .
13 The Far Eastern Economic Review of Dec. 20 commented that Suharto 's endorsement had " alarmed " the military " who regard the polarization of politics along religious lines as a threat to stability " .
14 Tensions may also arise through departmental clients perceiving the FMI as a threat to service provision .
15 Integrating primary care into the contracting framework of the health service will have advantages for patients , doctors , and managers but general practitioners could see it as a threat to independence rather than an end to isolation .
16 An austere Maronite Christian who commanded the loyalty of both Christian and Muslim brigades in the US-trained and equipped Lebanese Army , Aoun had many friends in the Pentagon but none in the State Department , which saw his ambition to let the Lebanese choose their own government without foreign interference as a threat to America 's interests .
17 A warning from the Chair of the Russian Supreme Soviet , Ruslan Khasbulatov , on June 15 that Russia might consider annexing South Ossetia , and describing the fighting there as " genocide … of the South Ossetian people " was condemned as a threat to Georgia 's integrity .
18 Jesus was perceived — justifiably , we maintain — as a threat to Rome , and was executed as such .
19 The wolves were hunted to extinction in the 1920s , at the request of ranchers who regarded them as a threat to cattle .
20 Deng 's developmentalist stance had not always endeared him to Mao , but had aligned him to some extent with Premier Zhou , who also saw overly radical , leftist policies as a threat to China 's economic and social development .
21 From this point of view the state is not seen as a threat to freedom , but is rather regarded as a vehicle for securing broad community and individual rights against the power .
22 At first , the river is seen as a threat to Pip as Magwitch comes from it , but later when Magwitch returns to Pip in London , it is seen as a promising object , drowning the bad Compeyson , and uniting Pip and Magwitch .
23 It was ludicrous to see them as a threat to security .
24 Leaders of the other 11 EC countries paid scant regard to Mrs Thatcher 's ritualistic denunciation of the Social Charter as a threat to business competitiveness , and to the unity conference as premature .
25 And what worries me , if I may say so in this matter is that , that I find er in my retirement , a sensitivity among some of my fellow ministers about something that one of them described as a threat to status a feeling that there must be a protection of prerogatives .
26 The new system may be seen as a threat to status and job .
27 Critics of the whole APU testing programme , such as Holt ( 1981 ) saw it as a threat to teacher autonomy .
28 However , as soon as they moved on to a more public and active presentation of their demands then councillors condemned this activity , the demands themselves were ignored , and the groups were held up to public ridicule as a threat to democracy and the general interest .
29 Hobsbawm emphasised an important distinction between machine breaking where the machine itself was seen as a threat to employment , and those cases where machinery was destroyed simply as a means of putting pressure on employers in disputes unconnected with its use .
30 The MEPs ' anger focuses on remarks in the Commons by Mr Maude and the drive by the Employment Secretary , Mr Norman Fowler , against the charter as a threat to jobs .
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