Example sentences of "as a [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We need to ensure an ample and steady flow of mortgage funds at competitive rates as a principal service to our borrowers
2 And accordingly they treat it , as if , in the present age , this were an agreed point , among all people of discernment ; and nothing remained , but to set it up as a principal subject of mirth and ridicule , as it were by way of reprisals , for its having so long interrupted the pleasures of the world .
3 Applicants should have , or expect to obtain , a good honours degree ( or its equivalent ) either in Physics or with Physics as a principal subject by that date .
4 They both liked it , and began going out together for about a month until he left to do summer stock in Fishkill , NY , and she went to Philadelphia where she was chosen as a principal dancer with the Pennsylvania Ballet .
5 All translators and commentators note , as a principal characteristic of the Horatian style , his " compactness " or " compression " .
6 Core decline and peripheral growth is verified as a principal feature of the nation 's changing distribution of employment .
7 It is joined here by Kingsdale Beck which now gets an infusion of energy and turns away to earn acclaim as a principal contributor to the charm of the walk around the Ingleton waterfalls .
8 The Advisory Board for the Research Councils ( ABRC ) is responsible for science policy because of its role as a principal source of advice to the Secretary of State on the allocation of the DES science budget .
9 The Advisory Board for the Research Councils ( ABRC ) is responsible for science policy because of its role as a principal source of advice to the Secretary of State on the allocation of the DES science budget .
10 Analysts believed that the greatest fear in the region was that NAFTA " local content " and " country of origin " clauses would encourage the USA to increasingly look to low-wage Mexico as a principal source of imports .
11 The ‘ Falklands factor ’ would be seen as a principal reason for the Conservatives ' unexpectedly good showing in the local council elections that year , and , too , for the return of Margaret Thatcher for a second term as prime minister at the General Election of 1983 .
12 Workers employed in the mills and factories of industrial areas took to the bicycle as a principal means of travel to work .
13 e Traditional and non-traditional students and ‘ value added ’ — Many admissions tutors in institutions of higher education have traditionally used scores in Highers and A-levels as a principal means of rationing and allocating places .
14 Hislop trained with Bratt and made his début as a principal singer at the Royal Swedish Opera , Stockholm , as Faust in C. F. Gounod 's opera on 12 September 1914 .
15 The Spycatcher principal outflanks this by holding that the ‘ third party ’ commits a contempt as a principal offender in its own right .
16 Such congenial rustication was unexpectedly disturbed by his appointment as a principal envoy of Henry V to the council of Constance on 20 October 1414 .
17 Some of them are renegades from the Dwarf Engineers Guild which frowns upon innovation and regards much of the Empire 's new technology as a heinous break with ancient tradition .
18 The African countries have consequently called for a strong international secretariat to serve as a regulating body in matters of waste disposal .
19 When articulated in this way the Wilsonian social contract appears very close to what Sir Ian Gilmour ( 1978 ) has claimed is the essence of true and wise Toryism : the avoidance of ‘ dogma ’ ; the balancing of opposed social forces ; the concession of reform where reform is due in order to hold together a ‘ national ’ constituency ( despite the fact that Gilmour viewed the 1974/75 legislative programme as a dangerous concession to sectional union interests and a threat to the constitution — true Toryism is only recognised as such well after the event ! ) .
20 Struck me as a dangerous thing for him to be doing .
21 Instead of erroneously portraying the social charter as a formula for increased unemployment and as a dangerous capitulation to the trade unions , should we not realise that a policy of co-determination that gives employees a say and a stake in the running of their firms is the very reason why the economies of so many western European countries have been so successful ?
22 Lough Lannagh is made up of a series of lakes containing deep holes and is known as a dangerous area for swimming .
23 By way of contrast , the Spanish conquerors of northwest South America ( modern Colombia ) , where the first deposits were found , regarded it as a dangerous adulterant of gold and silver and tried to prohibit its export — unavailingly , although its supply to European chemists was made capricious .
24 The Reaganites had strong idealogical objections to the convention , regarding the convention as a dangerous precedent for other international resources , and as a step towards bureaucratisation and away from free enterprise .
25 The Authority rightly identified teachers ' classroom practice as a critical factor in children 's learning and gave it considerable prominence in documents , courses and the day-to-day work of its advisory staff in schools .
26 It is time that the idea of higher education as a critical commentator on society was restored because , without it , higher education is itself impoverished .
27 On April 16 Nicholas Brady , the United States Treasury Secretary , maintained that " we do not view the activity of the board [ representing shareholders ] as an advisory one , but , instead , as a critical element of the bank 's operations " .
28 In London not only did satirical intention seem redundant — other people were doing it better — but as a critical reaction to society it seemed inadequate and ultimately reactionary . ’
29 One is faced in the text by a body of material that invites interpretation as a critical examination of human action , but as a general , not a selective , critical view , that can be antimercantile and antifeminist ( with the merchant and wife as target figures ) and anticlerical in the satirical exposure of the monk 's behaviour .
30 The phone company reckons that while this evolution of integrated management is seen as a critical need for users , it has yet to be fully addressed by network service providers .
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