Example sentences of "as a [noun sg] [verb] any " in BNC.

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1 Another close-up of the boy ; this can be used as a cutaway to hide any awkward jump-cuts .
2 Let us now abandon the connection with a mechanical system , and treat this as a problem involving any given real matrix A , the eigenvalues and vectors for which have to be found .
3 I have to report on whether the group as a whole has any prospect of Paying its debts .
4 Failure to act may be due to reactive inhibition which results from pain or fatigue and acts either as a barrier to repetition of the act or as a drive strengthening any activity associated with its reduction , such as rest ( Rivers 1964 pp 171–2 ) .
5 Indeed the adjective must be so understood ; if we try to imagine using , in the structure of ( 16 ) , an adjectival property which is not ascribed to the entity of the noun phrase ( nor helping as a qualifier to identify any entity of the sentence ) , there will be only two possible outcomes : If it is a property semantically compatible with the verb , the result will be taken as an ungrammatical way of expressing a thought which should have incorporated an adverb : ( 17 ) Alastair likes his beef tea great Alternatively , it will be a property that is not compatible with the verb either ; but , in that case , there will be no way of guessing what that property should be applied to — it will in effect be semantically " loose " , so that the whole will be incomprehensible : ( 18 ) the process left the documents puzzled Thus , the property of the adjective qualifies , in purely syntactic terms , the inner grouping of verb and object ; it is applied to the entity of the noun phrase , but not directly , only as part of an interlocking structure with three elements — as in certain engineering and architectural structures , each of three elements needs the other two in order for the whole to function effectively .
6 But as a political shibboleth it was raised to all-powerful heights and was used as a battering-ram to silence any suggestion by anybody that one might ever spend more on anything even if the aim of spending more immediately was to spend less later .
7 ( i ) Has there been an improper , unreasonable or negligent act or omission ? ( ii ) As a result have any costs been incurred by a party ? ( iii ) If the answers to ( i ) and ( ii ) are ‘ Yes ; ’ should the court exercise its discretion to disallow or order the representative to meet the whole or any part of the relevant costs , and if so what specific sum is involved ?
8 This is not unreasonable , given that students have not as a rule experienced any other regime , but it can be misleading .
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