Example sentences of "as [conj] in a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They were saved , of course , by the Mastodon , ‘ rowing as if in a race ’ , just in time for a grand battle between Swallows , Amazons and Eels , and a corroboree of triumph .
2 One of the most beautiful uses of pas de bourrée courus is when Ashton places his danseuse in her partner 's arms as she floats over the surface of the floor as if in a dream like ecstasy .
3 Nor can it be compared with the ballerina 's dance in Rhapsodie where she wafts to and fro as if in a dream before breaking into her solo .
4 All was quiet when I awoke and everyone had vanished as if in a dream .
5 as if in a dream , I allowed Mrs Knelle to lead me to the front door .
6 I had a heart-stopping sensation of falling , as if in a dream .
7 Soon the bodies began to pile up here , too , and yet again the Collector and his men had to put their shoulders to the carnal barricade to prevent it from being ejected into the hall ; and yet again , as if in a dream , the Collector found his face an inch from that of an amused sepoy and thought : " It surely ca n't be the same man ! " for from this corpse 's moustache there was also a scent of patchouli .
8 She accepted the farewells of her parents and brothers as if in a dream : her real self seemed to hold aloof from the tearful embraces of her mother , the kisses of her brothers , and her father 's last loving hug before she stepped into the boat to be rowed out across the harbour .
9 One walked straight towards me , lurching , with his head tilted , as if in a dream , and fell straight into a deep crater .
10 He seemed to be moving through mud , his actions hampered as if in a dream .
11 We move along the road fast as if in a dream .
12 as if in a dream , ’ he replied , then beckoned her over .
13 The cab swerved into the Place de la Concorde , she felt them whirling as they joined the vortex round the obelisk as if in a fairground swing as it lifts and spins .
14 ‘ Our island will be as if in a state of war ’ one senior official was quoted as saying yesterday .
15 Abstraction and theory imprison us , or try to do so , as if in a net , and the novel tests and demolishes the allegedly superior power of abstract thought over a thinking and feeling life : ‘ how far conceptualizing and theorizing divide you from the thing that is the object of theoretical attention . ’
16 marinading , as if in a dish ,
17 Awful headaches ; bursting compressing as if in a vice , as if would be crushed ; hammering and throbbing pains ; pains in the morning on waking .
18 But in winter , ‘ As the darkness thickened the wind increased , and each blast raked the iron railings before the houses till they hummed as if in a song of derision ’ .
19 They had made the length of Loch Ness in one day , not bad going for an old man on horseback ; ‘ when he rode , ’ says Boswell at the end of the Life , ‘ he had no command or direction of his horse , but was carried as if in a balloon . ’
20 Time froze and events unrolled before Meredith 's horror-struck gaze as if in a slow-motion and silent film .
21 Nevertheless volumes three and four also vanished , as if in a conjuring trick .
22 Everything that torments me , everything I do n't have and that I long for , that makes me indignant , or sick , or suffocates me , everything that gives me a feeling of light and warmth , and by which I live , and everything that destroys me — it 's all there in your film , I see it as if in a mirror .
23 He had made no attempt to pursue the fleeing secretary and was sitting as if in a trance staring somewhere between the chairs occupied by the new Lord Woodleigh and Jilly Jonathan .
24 as if in a trance , Vincent got in and sat down beside him .
25 And suddenly he remembered standing here , it was dark-green all around him , but the sky above was blue , the sun must 've been setting , it was quiet , just the creak of a tree , the whir of an insect 's wing , he 'd been standing motionless , as if in a trance , and then he heard a voice , his mother 's voice .
26 She watched her mother walk out of the kitchen as if in a trance and a few seconds later Carla was nestled in her granny 's arms .
27 Kate watched her mother and Patrick as if in a trance .
28 She lay in her father 's lap like a limp doll , gazing at him blankly , as if in a trance .
29 He showed me an underwater grotto , a light-shafted nave of pale-blue shadows , where the large wrasse floated as if in a trance .
30 ‘ Father of evil , ’ he intoned as if in a travesty of prayer , ‘ and Grandfather too … ’
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