Example sentences of "as [art] [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Lamming on Dexy's-clones Big Sound Authority : ‘ wait till you see this man sweat ’ — sweat as the tangible proof of authenticity , commitment . )
2 This originated during the reign of Henry VI in London , where the two leading churches were Westminster Abbey , officially listed as the Collegiate Church of St Peter , and St Paul 's Cathedral .
3 Traditionally , the right of States to remain aloof from conflict between other States , and to have that stance recognised as the legal status of neutrality , was the most developed third party right .
4 With landfalls in places like Rüdesheim and Koblenz , and Cologne as the final port of call , this is a unique and very special cruise .
5 The application can , at this point , hand back any structure it chooses to , to serve as the final output of CLE-I .
6 So the victim of the tom-cat 's sexual frustration may now be eaten , as the final act of this gruesome misfiring of the feline reproductive sequence .
7 For Wolf was " the first to present a systematic description of the vast fabric that he called by the name of Altertumswissenschaft , to arrange and review its component parts and to point to a perfect knowledge of the many-sided life of the ancient Greeks and Romans as the final goal of the modern study of the ancient world .
8 On Oct. 26 , 1989 , the House of Lords , sitting as the final court of appeal , ruled that while the ITC and its members had a moral responsibility to its creditors , the creditors had no contractual claims under English law against the 22 member states of the ITC .
9 Assuming that students will still regard Associate Membership of the Institution as the final accolade of professional ability , the members , through the Test , will remain the final arbiters on entry to their profession .
10 The 1930s nadir is usually regarded as the final maturity of the new trend towards small family size which began in the marriage cohorts of the 1870s .
11 Forming the chord of this arc lay the so-called Oosttaverne Line , some 4km/2½mls in length the German trench system that had been selected as the final objective of Plumer 's attack .
12 The Menai suspension bridge linking Anglesey with Holyhead was built by Thomas Telford ( q.v. ) from 18 19–26 as the final part of his great work of re-aligning the road from London to Holyhead .
13 We might expect , however , that it would more typically occur as the final sentence of a paragraph , not as a climax , but as describing an action which culminates a series of actions .
14 Tendring District Council believes a decision would be premature as the final version of the district plan — the area 's blueprint for future development — is not completed .
15 The broad difference was between those who advocated some form of centralised planning and those who wished to see the government as the final umpire of a largely free market .
16 In other areas too , it seems that the case for Woodchester as the final pavement of a sequence of elaborations " cuts with a double-edged blade " : at the beginning of the sequence , for example , it is difficult to understand how a twenty-five year long period of development had no other local influence .
17 As the final item of business in the parliament of 1555 , the queen 's advocate got up to present her act of revocation to the regent and the three estates , signed with Mary 's own hand and sealed with her privy seal at Fontainebleau on 25 April .
18 Rather , to adopt the method involves accepting that there is a ‘ reality ’ , which is as it is independently of what anyone may think of it , but which suitably organized inquiry is fated to discover eventually ; around the early 1870s Peirce speaks of reality as the final cause of inquiry .
19 As the final paragraph of the Report 's chapter on the universities makes clear , this mission is seen as extending well beyond the boundaries of England .
20 In the nuclear power plant design they are also used as the final stage of pre-construction design evaluation ( Williams and Story , 1987 ) .
21 It is misleading to regard the Soviet withdrawal from the Porkkala base in 1955–6 as the final stage of a phased withdrawal of Soviet troops from Finland when Soviet troops had at no stage occupied Finnish soil .
22 When they had decisively defeated the Gauls in the battle of Telamon in 225 B.C. they had commemorated the victory by a temple on the site , in which the Celts appears as the modern counterpart of the Seven against Thebes .
23 The random production might be regarded as the normal state of affairs , periodic production occurring through a rather special mechanism .
24 ‘ … to regard negligence as the normal requirement of responsibility in tort , and to look upon strict liability as anomalous and unjust seems to … mistake present values as well as past history .
25 No action is specified as the normal consequence of discovering this class of ‘ pollution ’ .
26 Is national Sec right to expect that the national office will be seen as the normal point of contact with people in his nation ?
27 When centralized planning is used as the normal mode of economic control , a number of deficiencies loom into view :
28 The Horton budget was to be increased from £10 million to more than £13 million for upgradings and improvements as the gradual transfer of patients from Banstead took place .
29 The earliest accounts of transmutation fell into this trap , projecting the process as the gradual unfolding of trends that could not be explained in terms of a response to the environment .
30 A compromise was being hammered out in which the once-opposed concepts of design and transmutation would be synthesized so that the trends in the fossil record could be accepted as the gradual unfolding of a divine plan .
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