Example sentences of "go right through [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now there 's the machine is g there the laminated copper er these commutators and it 's on main shaft that goes right through the generator and the turbine .
2 If on the other hand it goes right through the C/L continue your turn and make a 40° intercept the other way ( ie onto Hdg 130° in fig 52 ) .
3 Not only will this make the water unpleasant but it may cause leakages if the corrosion goes right through the cistern .
4 it be known then for that squad just to go right through the gambit and become a fully fledged riveter 's squad and work for their days as a squad ?
5 The bang of the younger one 's heart seemed to go right through the earth like thundering horses .
6 It was pointless him going right through the centre because he was incurring far too much damage and eventually he would be shot down .
7 He searched everywhere for it , going right through the village , asking people if they 'd seen it .
8 you go right through the tunnel and this Queen 's Drive was ooh , about a mile or two out of Liverpool so to get back to the tunnel you come down Upper Parliament Street , I 'll never forget to my dying day , and it was down hill and these traffic lights down the bottom should of been should of been , but they were n't operating , they were digging th
9 Planners are not skiers ( unfortunately ) and they do n't seem able to read a map either because some of the lines defining their concentric rings go right through the middle of existing ski areas , particularly at Glenshee .
10 Fall down and right , go up and collect the star , fly up two platforms and right , push the crate onto the switch , go left and fall down , fall through the left side of the cave floor you land in , go right on the ride and collect the arrow , go left on the ride and up on the platforms , go right on the platforms in the cave above , push the crate right onto the switch , go right , down and left on the dodgems , jump up onto the platforms , then onto the wall above , go right through the wall and collect the star so you can fly , fly left , up , go right and collect the arrow .
11 I go right through the house .
12 The pellet went right through the cat 's neck and came out the other side , leaving a gaping wound .
13 Health and Safety : ‘ It 's the major success we can claim as a central initiative which was taken on board and went right through the company .
14 I am afraid I could only manage part of the meal and I cut out the second and third courses completely , and only had gravy and vegetables for the third , but most people at my table went right through the menu !
15 He went right through the passage to the street and entered the shop like a customer .
16 He went right through the body , from head to toe , showing how every part , every last detail , was like the interior of a beautifully fashioned watch .
17 ‘ We went right through the town centre and all the people doing their Saturday shopping stood and clapped and shouted messages of support as we went by . ’
18 He went right through the house when he arrived home but there was no sign of Gwen ; nor of anyone else .
19 Durham 's hand went right through the apparition and struck the fireplace , bruising his knuckles .
20 If their heads protrude , pare them down with a chisel , and then drill slightly smaller than the peg diameter , and drill out the peg ( use a depth gauge so you do n't go right through the leg ) .
21 Or er , just affecting households or is there a special dispensation for hotels , hospitals , commercials , er , commercial establishments , Crown property , Buckingham Palace , and any of the Royal homes , go right through , you can go right through the card ?
22 I mean they they would go right through the process of buying something on credit , and it would be fine until it got to , Erm where do you live .
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