Example sentences of "go off [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 An especially clear example is in the fabliau Boivin de Provins , in which the hero , Boivin , having deluded a household of whores into providing him with a meal and a girl for free , and having set them at each other 's throats , goes off to tell the provost of the town the tale , who in turn spreads the tale around , producing much mirth and laughter .
2 He decides he must do something about it and goes off to find the works engineer .
3 He describes what happens after a typical Russian business deal : ‘ One man goes off to find the goods and the other to find the money .
4 Middle-ranking staff from Accounts go off to sample the city 's famously steamy nightclubs in the company of a bevy of angelic recorders .
5 And while we 're waiting for them , Bill Saltman 's gone off to direct the establishment of white slavery in South America .
6 I think they have gone off to tell the rest of their family what happened . ’
7 With a friendly pat on his arm , she went off to join the dancing , and practically walked into the waiting Feargal .
8 After they had all left — Dad too — Mum hung Granny 's death card beneath her picture then went off to join the others in the local .
9 ‘ He wo n't , then , for he took the cross in the summer , after he 'd placed me here , and went off to join the Bishop of Winchester in the Holy Land , ’ said young Blount delightedly .
10 ‘ Sure , ’ Doyle replied then went off to serve the customer .
11 The meeting was mostly a ‘ Fun out of doors ’ one , so Jill soon went off to search the wood to complete her collection of ferns .
12 Still looking doubtful , she went off to fill the order , and when Ellie had eaten it all , down to the very last scrap , and had two cups of coffee , she came back to stand at the table , full of admiration and amazement .
13 Had I been born in the Middle Ages , I knew that I would have been one of those retainers who stayed inside the castle and embroidered whilst the knights went off to slaughter the French .
14 After half an hour he went off to watch the match against the Chelsea of Ian Porterfied , his erstwhile colleague .
15 Timpson then went off to strafe the road , leaving Schott with his men , a 3-tonner and a broken-down jeep .
16 Thereupon , Anselm went off to spend the summer months in the hill village of Liberi above Capua , and here he found a renewed peace of mind and spirit which he had not known since his days as prior of Bec .
17 Piers made some feeble joke and went off to get the lunch from the car with Peter .
18 Dorothea sat her down and padded her in with cushions , smiled vaguely and went off to make the tea .
19 He then went off to cut the nettles under the straggling roses , satisfied that water , should it ever reappear , would no longer escape from the pool .
20 ‘ I was asked to supervise canoeing when a scout leader , so I went off to master the sport and was a senior instructor after a couple of years .
21 The two Frenchwomen greeted one another with affectionate kisses and Madame Gebrec promptly went off to organise the lunch , leaving her two visitors to chat .
22 Two cyclists eventually stopped and went off to raise the alarm .
23 After we 'd satisfied ourselves that there was sufficient prey I went off to walk the terrain .
24 Even cottagers were frequently obliged to sell up , and those who did not remain as labourers went off to swell the population of the new towns .
25 Once at the hospital , Liz was taken to the delivery room immediately and Mark went off to find the waiting room , which was full of exhausted partners who 'd been there for hours .
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