Example sentences of "go into [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Instead of each chromosome in that pair going into a separate egg , they both go into the same one , so that when the egg is fertilised , the triple chromosome is created .
2 We 'll be going into a warm house , that 's one thing .
3 To date chief executive Papows has managed to stop Cognos going into a terminal decline , but has yet to prove that he can lead the company into a higher growth pattern .
4 It 's like going into a dark room and being afraid .
5 It 's like going into a ninety-mile-an-hour spin on a cliff road in a Ferrari — and still not dying . ’
6 Going into a better studio with a producer makes things easier , if anything , ’ he says .
7 Search consultants are often called in when an organisation is considering going into a new business sector , as Marks & Spencer did when they went into financial services with their credit card ; as when BP were trying to diversify their business and spot winners by developing new technology ; as financial services institutions do when they wish to launch a new product or enter new markets .
8 Right , do you think do you think did the army consider they were going into a colonial situation ?
9 So young people using Sony Walkmans , going to discos once , twice a week and then going into a noisy job could permanently impair their , their hearing .
10 it 's always a bit a it came home to me with great a vigour and enthusiasm when I was walking round the kitting station at R A F Innsworth with a supermarket trolley getting it filled with kit and when I got to the end they handed me my dog tags and my gun , I thought what have I let myself in for because I 'd never worn dog tags before and I 'd never had a gun with live ammunition in it that got strapped to my hip and you suddenly realise , I 'm going into a real war it was quite a nerve racking experience for a few days
11 But we 've also had an artist from the Art Week event , which the Rainforest Festival overlaps with going into a chosen school , with a member of Friends of the Earth , we give them a talk about rainforest , and they do the , I do n't know if you 've seen them in the buses , the sort of advertising slots , we 've got 80 of those slots on the buses throughout the rainforest festival , and the children are actually drawing pictures for them .
12 It can be done , though it involves going into a little detail from time to time about points of central importance , and it needs simplifications which trouble an author 's respect for exact truth and may appal an unsympathetic expert .
13 ‘ The wood going into a 40 gallon barrel , it 's been about a hundredweight of wood .
14 A brief reminder to the reader of the nature of these uncertainties , without going into a lengthy digression on them , may serve to emphasise the point that this structural change , as much as the other kinds , added to the dilemmas of decision makers both in business and in government .
15 I think that without going into a lengthy treatise , I would have to argue that middle range theory springing out of empirical data is in general the best approach but you will see all the qualifications and nuances involved in such a view .
16 There was a long pause from my point of view , while the lights began flickering in the office and the train exceedingly slowly reversed , before stopping again and going into a sudden jerk .
17 They 're obviously going into a difficult area and if it breaks out into open conflict , there will be slight risk , but at the moment it 's fairly routine for us .
18 But his finger never pulled the trigger for he , too , felt an explosion in his chest and , as if going into a slow dive , he dropped to the earth , the gun still gripped in his hand , and as he died he heard a voice yelling , ‘ Christ !
19 ‘ Our people saw that the Sterling plant was quite different from other plants , ’ Anthony recalled , ‘ and it made them appreciate that because our product was going into a pharmaceutical process , quality is absolutely critical . ’
20 failed to take full advantage of Gretna 's slip up and could only draw 3–3 Tow despite going into a 3–2 lead with three minutes left .
21 Zoe would n't be going into a lonely house after the razzmatazz and bother and warmth of a normal family .
22 At this stage it is perhaps useful to start going into a finer degree of detail .
23 Some people are saying that they 're deadly dangerous and er , we need to wrap up as if you 're going into a nuclear zone , and er , somehow other people say they 're vital , it depends on what sort of mix you use , and how you use it , and where you use it .
24 I thought I was going into a different world when I entered Germany .
25 Going Into an Outdoor Shop
26 You have to accept that you are going into an alien environment .
27 It 's very similar to the two previous instructions , but because you 're going into an open A note , I need to show that you must previously lower it by the equivalent of 1 fret , so you simply pick the open A , having already lowered the note by a half-tone with your tremolo arm .
28 ‘ Wait and see , ’ she said , going into the small scullery .
29 On Saturday the pupils could enjoy the austere pleasures of going into the small granite town of Elgin , something Richard did not enjoy but decided to do because his injured feet ruled out most alternatives .
30 It 's a bit like that with me , except that instead of going into the technological future I had to go back in time .
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