Example sentences of "go through [adj] [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 It 's at a very early stage at the moment , there , there is a code being drafted ; it 's got to go through various processes and probably wo n't be in general circulation till December/January .
2 This is understandable as , given the choice , no one wants to go through great suffering or pain .
3 There are many clinical features in common among these treponematoses and some of them appear to go through similar stages and periods of latency .
4 The more experienced teacher who has used the program several times , on the other hand , will not want to go through lengthy explanations and interrogations by the program amid the pressures of the classroom .
5 He was so small that Sir Dermot 's old suits had to go through considerable abbreviations and pinchings-in before they fitted him .
6 I 'm going through adolescent love-trauma and I cry when they play ‘ Smoke gets in your eyes ’ . '
7 Even the ‘ Harvey Wallbanger ’ was n't going to try going through that lot and Danny 's truck pulled up with its brakes squealing and hissing furiously .
8 He is a man who stumbles through life going through various coincidences and improbabilities .
9 We can think of the electron not only as going through both slits but also as following paths both direct and indirect , moving both rapidly and slowly .
10 The wave has no difficulty in going through both slits and provides a " choppy sea " on which the particle bobs up and down like a cork .
11 Sometimes I just light the candles and squat , going through this coffer or that .
12 I then spent three months going through these letters and realised that the whole heart of the book would have to be changed .
13 Now they were going through another door and into a different kind of room , and this room caused the child to stop and slowly look about her .
14 can either go through that door or pull sliding to .
15 Erm act I could go through that book and erm it 's never ending .
16 we 'll go through go through some papers and start cutting out things
17 The link road , which would go through open countryside and bisect Sudbury 's riverside water meadows , forms part of a £20 million package along with a western by-pass around the town .
18 The link road , which would go through open countryside and bisect Sudbury 's riverside water meadows , forms part of a £20 million package along with a western by-pass around the town .
19 Secondly , if they accept those arguments , then before anything becomes public I then need to embark on a process of consultation with the residents themselves and with their relatives and with their staff , so that we can explain it carefully to them — what it 'll involve , the time scale , what their options are going to be , how we 'll go through this process and all the rest of it , all the ins and outs , and then I shall have to then go formally to a special meeting of the Social Services Committee , probably in April , to say that I 've carried out this consultation , that this is my recommendation as to the home the Council should choose , and if they agree that then we move into implementation .
20 ‘ There are undoubtedly people who could go through self-help programmes and become economically active . ’
21 Harvey went through two doors and down a moving staircase .
22 The teacher went through each step and the children answered in unison .
23 Dr Ranganathan was one of the most brilliant and imaginative figures the profession has seen ; his Colon Classification went through many revisions and new editions , and is widely in use in his own country , yet elsewhere it is admired but , for good reasons , not employed .
24 Illustrated with engravings of chemical apparatus , it went through many editions and is a landmark in the transformation of alchemy , with its strong mystical element , into chemistry as an exact science .
25 My mind was a blank ; I automatically went through some drills and some stretching .
26 So I went through this process and I started to read my thoughts generally , not to be too much one way or the other .
27 We went through a door into a room full of strange life , then we went through another door and into another room .
28 The project went through lengthy development and field testing before the project teachers ' guide and teacher training manual were published .
29 He went through military school and he decided that at point that he would acquired an extra name .
30 You take that hussy out of here , or you go through that door and do n't come back .
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