Example sentences of "go on [verb] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I realized a long time ago why you were so set on Charlie and me marrying , and I 'm very fond of him , and I 'd like to go on living at Lady Mead for the rest of my life .
2 Liverpool- born , Oliver was for five years a chorister at St Paul 's Cathedral before going on to study at Oxford University where he met with his first operatic success in The Duchess of Malfi .
3 Before going on to look at London Jamaican and Black London English in Chapters 4 and 5 , I shall discuss some relevant research and theory relating to Caribbean Creoles in Chapter 3 .
4 Before going on to look at re-entry and back to nursing courses in detail I would like to consider alternative routes of re-entry available to you first .
5 Not only did he go on to lose at Waterloo : he suffered the final indignity of living and dying in a house called The Briars on St Helena , far down in the South Atlantic .
6 ‘ Did your brother go on living at home ? ’
7 So their own minister held a service at the station , and the agent gave them a good dinner cheering them on in Gaelic , at which they wept , and they went on to settle at Moosomin , where they lived happily ever afterwards .
8 Then he went on gazing at Thérèse , voluptuous in flowered chintz and blue ribbons .
9 I can drive a tractor , ’ he said , and went on to speculate at length on the possibilities of the English dole .
10 Educated at a state school in Hampstead , he went on to study at Oxford University .
11 We went on to look at ligand gated channels , and in particular three different classes , acetylcholine gated , glycine gated , G A B A gated .
12 He went on to work at Birmingham , Bristol and Luton , as he progressed to other jobs within the operations department .
13 His BMW went on to race at Le Mans .
14 Not only did Brown Owl go on living at Longreen and being their Brown Owl ; the Pack won an unexpected new friend in Sir George Phillips , who , when he heard how they had saved the plane 's pilot from disaster in the bog , suddenly turned out to be not ‘ crabby ’ at all , as Mr. Gordon had always made him out to be , but told them that they could use the Longreen Park meadow for just as long as they liked as a reward for their bravery .
15 There can not be many lyric-writers who have begun their careers in the theatre by dancing Scheherazade in a strip-club in Los Angeles , gone on to appear at La Scala , Milan and then to play the title-role in Mother Company .
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