Example sentences of "go [adv prt] in [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Clearly , much research goes on in institutions of higher education .
2 Work by Peter Collett , an Oxford academic , has shown clearly that what goes on in front of the telly is , in practice , virtually anything .
3 So zinc sulphate gets formed the zil the zinc just goes in in place of that H two .
4 Laura Mancinelli 's Mozart 's Ghost ( 1986 ) combines two rather donnish mysteries : the protagonist is pursued by ‘ anonymous ’ telephone calls which consist of nothing but music by Mozart ; when she is spared further harassment by the entire Turin telephone system seizing up , she goes off in pursuit of the concealed manuscript of Plato 's last dialogue .
5 Nathan gets and goes off in search of somewhere quiet , clutching a toilet roll and anxious anticipations .
6 This is paid back gradually in rent from the co-operative 's members and the council 's cash goes off in search of new schemes to finance .
7 For — while Sir Felix had nothing much wrong with him except a wild look in his eye sometimes and a tendency to go off in fits of what Gemma had called " unstable " laughter — she had heard certain tales of moral laxity about his brothers and uncles and even one or two of his sisters , which had done nothing for her peace of mind .
8 And Mihal 's goblin nagged at him to go off in search of weapons and warfare .
9 Before you load up your board on the car to go off in search of solitude , remember that it is wisest to sail in a controlled situation with plenty of others to keep an eye on you .
10 She walked up a gravel drive crowded with large cars , past an old-fashioned wooden pavilion and two clay tennis courts , ignored the adult game going on in front of her and started around the boundary to the second and much smaller game in the far corner .
11 I 'm not saying that people would have never changed their ideas but if it would have been done in the manner that it would have been done in in the first place and if people would have been told about their future lives and if people had been , would 've accepted what was going on in light of all the decisions that have been taken previously regarding the merger issue .
12 On hearing from a parent that : something was going on in terms of a library project , he proceeded to put everything into action and got the support of the governing body … saying that we wanted to do something with our library .
13 Further work is going on in terms of market augmentation to clarify things for consumers . ’
14 Chairman 's the person that can sit in with the group of people and is good in terms of receiving information from people and disseminating information and giving it back out again making sure that everybody 's being brought in so he 's a person really not not so much a leader but he will be a person who can keep the group together and can make sure that all the information flows around the group and that everybody 's getting a fair say a fair crack of the whip in terms of what 's going on in terms of orienting towards a task , so everything 's towards a task you need towards a task .
15 So that 's what 's been going on in terms of output , in terms of orders already received , orders are up in all mainland regions of the U K. It 's the first time that we 've seen that since er the beginning of the recession and that 's the sense in which we think one can say erm reasonably sort of er straightforwardly that the recovery has indeed spread around the mainland economy .
16 Males , therefore , generally wait until the female has started to lay her eggs before going off in search of a second mate , since females rarely mate again once laying has begun .
17 Going up in world of climbing ropes A Highland rope company is climbing to dizzy heights of success with its innovative product , the Smart Rope , which has rocked the international climbing world .
18 By 1997 , however , he sees the mainframe pulling away from its competitors , because , he says , while hardware costs are falling , people costs are going up in terms of support and lost productivity .
19 ‘ We 're going out in search of fresh air , if there 's any to be had .
20 Going out in front of two thousand kids like that was difficult for her and she was very nervous about it .
21 We 're going to have to talk about what astronomical units are in a moment , but let's go on in terms of size .
22 All this went on in front of Mr Barr and linesman David Magill , which let me say , was the result of an over-acted injury by another Linfield player .
23 How aware is it of the trading data that is collected , the way in which trading or order cards are filled in , or the pit trading practices that go on in front of its pit officials ?
24 He was acutely aware of everything that had gone on in front of the then roaring fire .
25 Anyway , he was standing near to Sir Emmanuel , who was shooting from his butt , and a bird went down in front of the guns .
26 If it 's a pest , cull it properly , get the authorities in , we 've got more and more specialists sitting in those chambers telling us what to do on farming issues , on B S E , we 've got coming , we 've got a a team of experts , well not one of them has told said gone down in favour of hunting .
27 Erm I 'll just sort of er talk briefly about sort of main trends and , and sort of output and orders and so on and then go through in terms of some of the implications that results as regards to employment and domestic crisis .
28 Hunting is the favourite pastime ; at the start of the season , high schools close as whole families go off in pursuit of everything from squirrels to wild boar .
29 As Nietzsche wrote , ‘ The Germans are a people of the day before yesterday and the day after tomorrow ’ Germany , like a happy wanderer , must go off in search of its fortune , shaking off parental tutelage and political adolescence .
30 As my section settled into the straw-filled barn , I dumped the rucksack , and slinging the rifle over my shoulder , went off in search of something to eat , coffee or whatever was going .
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