Example sentences of "go [adv prt] to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 With a career in speech therapy behind her , Liz decided to go on to study for a post-graduate degree in Marine Archaeology at St Andrews University , where her husband David is Professor of Chemistry .
2 Er and the point about not offering a solution , C P R E clearly has in in erm taking to go on to talk about the subsequent parts of policy H one and H two , the County Council 's figures and then doing an analysis of those in relation to the new settlement , but I appreciate chairman that erm we 'll come back to that .
3 Obviously if you did a course in engineering or modern languages and you are going for a job where these skills are required it should not be difficult to explain that this is what positively interests you and you chose the subject because you wanted to go on to employment in the same field .
4 Slightly irritated he thinks that there is something wrong with the lock and goes down to reception for assistance .
5 And the Midland actually goes down to sort of the top of erm Cambridgeshire ,
6 of perhaps my characteristics cos I tend to go in to work at eight o'clock just before I write any more in and I do have to clear everything before I even start the day .
7 I ca n't believe they 're just gon na leave me to go in to English on my own .
8 but it 's , I , I do n't want to go down to work for hours Chris .
9 It turned out that he had locked himself out of his room which was likely to be embarrassing as I , for one , was not about to go down to reception for a key for him .
10 I have to go over to hand in my register now there 's no one here to take charge of it . ’
11 More seriously sacrilegious is surely Saint Pierre et le jongleur , " Saint Peter and the jongleur " , in which a jongleur 's soul goes off to Hell with a number of other satirically identified characters — jousting men , usurers , thieves , bishops , priests , monks , abbots , knights — but presents itself , incongruously , as that of a relatively good character , anxious , for instance , to please its new infernal master ( in a witty parody of the Orpheus story ) by singing .
12 In the photograph they are getting ready to go off to camp on their bikes ( velos ) .
13 There I remained for five years , going on to Theology after History .
14 Thursday dawned as dully as the day before and Fabia got out of bed and went through the routine of getting showered and dressed and going down to breakfast with a total lack of enthusiasm or appetite .
15 " You 're both going in to school on Monday , are n't you , Martha ? "
16 By the time I was ten , Granpa allowed me to lay out the morning wares on the barrow before going off to school for the day .
17 Between leaving school and going off to war with the Navy , he had worked on the Sharpness tugs for British Waterways .
18 ‘ We 're going up to hospitality for a while .
19 I realised I 'd be doing the eating so it would n't exactly be going up to heaven in a cloud of smoke , but as CJ says , it 's the thought …
20 I think it 's very patchy , but I think that there is some evidence that , certainly younger men , younger people and younger men are much more willing to erm accept that there is division of labour within the home and that women equally should be going out to work as men .
21 An i an immediate going out to work on this re remedying the brickwork problem , which is getting , the cracking is significant and , and potentially dangerous at the moment , the full refurbishment of the block , which the grant applications are in for , and the opening er and asking the Recreation Ground Committee to r reexamine the opening of the toilets .
22 They have started working and er they have started going out to work in the factories as well .
23 And then there was a study into and area of Belfast where most of the men were unemployed and it was the women who were going out to work in the factory and it was found to be the other way round , and the women spoke more of a non-standard than the men did when the men were staying at home .
24 Do you remember going out to Beamish in , in , and in
25 Annunziata agreed that Anthony was unlikely to waste time going out to dinner with the others even if he did return in time and promised to cook something quickly for him if he appeared wanting a meal .
26 ‘ The version I heard-was that Lesley-Jane was going out to dinner with Michael Banks ‘ to go through his lines ’ . ’
27 We 're going out to consultation on Shilton any day now .
28 All the Shelley family came , the boys going back to school in the afternoon .
29 She 's had such a good time and made so many new friends that she 's quite resigned to going back to school in a few days ’ time . ’
30 On Monday she 's going back to mum for a few days .
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