Example sentences of "go [adv prt] through the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Erm imaginary line that goes down through the middle of a ball , yes , through there Jupiter .
2 All that water that goes th that goes down through the machines is all sent back to top
3 And the prince goes down through the wood to another exit
4 The sensation of " facial vision " , it turns out , really goes in through the ears .
5 There 's nobody more sensible , but underneath all the sense there 's the woman , and her needs , and the feeling that she 's going to go down through the years alone .
6 She could hear the rising engine-note of the Corporation buses as they pulled away from the stop at the corner , coming from nowhere either of them had ever heard of , going on through the gathering winter dusk to destinations equally obscure .
7 And it was going along through the woodlands , travelling like the river .
8 Or it could be the boy going down through the field and scaring them .
9 Because it was an old house that they were renovating , and it had got so much rot in it and woodworm , and he said he said he said th there they were walking up one minute and the next minute the piano was just going down through the stairs .
10 Because of the growing publicity surrounding his movements , he decided to lose himself in the crowd , going in through the turnstiles and watching the player from the terraces .
11 Right , erm , what happens then , Philip , if the client says to you , and it 's unlikely with Covermaster , but it 's the same principle if you 're talking of a savings plan or a pension , erm , I do n't like the idea of my money being invested in a managed fund , I 've been reading the financial press , and I 'm very interested and excited at the thought of the Japanese market going up through the roof .
12 As we were going out through the doorway he stopped us .
13 If you put down the example I I actually marked the example but then I realized going back through the book that obviously the example was given for you there anyway .
14 Got a wardrobe like ours and then oh no it is n't it 's a combination one it 's having to go up through the window let's hope they do n't drop it !
15 He goes up through the hoops along the narrow , she said the first day when all the others were standing there shaking at the narrow bath he was just over it and down and she said you 've never seen him
16 The track then goes up through the forest to the crest of the hill .
17 One of the things he was NEVER NEVER allowed to do , the most exciting of them all , was to go out through the garden gate all by himself and explore the world beyond .
18 The one three six three goes out through the Sutton on Forest on Forest does it ?
19 You will be asked whether you want an S or a P trap , which often causes amusement : an S trap fits to a soil pipe in the floor , and a P trap to a soil pipe which goes out through the wall .
20 The rabbit that goes back through the gap will run his head into trouble .
21 She gave no reply but went on through the store-room , whose walls were lined with shelves , some holding bottles of sweets , others boxes of all sizes , then through another door and into a corridor , from which , six feet to the right of her , a door led into the store-room of the tobacconist shop .
22 And so he went on through the calculator to get the number of ways for ten buttons — 3,628,800 .
23 Work went on through the night to scatter wood chippings , straw and stone on top of the mud , but traders say it 's too little , too late .
24 The raising of money for the Building Fund went on through the war years and many heroic efforts were made .
25 He went on through the files but found nothing else of interest .
26 Er these are sort of parties that start at midnightish and go on through the night .
27 Goods would be unloaded at Lindau , taken across the Bodensee to Rorschach , and from there go on through the passes to the south , to Milan or on to Venice for further shipment .
28 The debriefing had gone on through the afternoon and early evening in the sound-proofed rooms of their headquarters .
29 They 've been revolting for years under the surface and then some thing happens that make it possible course the continued revolutions have gone on through the world and because they 've seen the success of a revolution in Russia although we did n't know the full facts of it in the West , it was , it did establish a huge area in the wake of a revolution .
30 I 'd go down through the choir practice room and St Andrew 's chapel beneath it , make a quick call at the sacristy ( where Holy Harding does his serving ) , then cross the quire to the south side , where , with the help of the Talisman of Shag , I would enter the-spiral stair at ground level , and so — relicless but , hopefully , bearing precious manna for the invalid — to the Sanatorium ( formerly known as the Wheel Room ) and , after that , bed .
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