Example sentences of "go [adv] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Clapis area is reached by taking the road to the Col du Cayron , just before Gigondas , then a forestry road which goes right at the col and contours round the hill .
2 Remember Ah asked ye to go slowly at the start ?
3 They refused to go home at the end of their shift and worked frantically to reach him .
4 ‘ I like the bit where I get to go home at the end .
5 three million books on the shelve , and we do n't have time going properly at the price so we go anything you want , bung it on the trolley and soon as the trolleys full it 's taken away and another one given , and you poke around and then in the evening , you stay in a hotel overnight , and then the following morning , they get and you just sort of send up the money and they just shout up the money as we go , then , every time I get to a thousand they say one , two , and you say right , tell me when I get near three , and I 've got this erm , I 'm dreadful at maths , I failed maths O Level three times and I do n't think about prices , I 've never been more than fifteen pounds out .
6 The children live at the Institute during the week , going home at the weekend where possible .
7 ‘ I 'm going home at the end of the week and I 'll make arrangements to go to Geneva as soon as possible .
8 This is most important with approach putts where the intention is to leave yourself an easy second putt as opposed to going boldly at the hole .
9 He recalls a game with Durham 20 years ago when Darlington , going well at the time , were 12–0 down without touching the ball .
10 The mystery deepened when , instead of going seaward at the foot of the hill , they turned up the right bank of the Touques as if making for Deauville .
11 ‘ I am going there at the peak of my form , ’ he says .
12 It is understood he initially thought of going there at the weekend but was advised against it by the police .
13 Froissart 's account of the way in which many of the leading French nobility , by going forward at the battle of Crécy , in effect chose the likelihood of death to a dishonourable flight , suggests to the modern reader a group more intent upon self-immolation than upon the serious business of achieving victory through order and discipline .
14 She 's not going anywhere at the moment .
15 She tells Hello ! of her wishes for the baby : ‘ One is that everything goes well at the birth .
16 I hope everything goes well at the country cottage . ’
17 Preston and London East are already there ( CONGRATULATIONS ! ) and I know you have all been working hard to ensure the National Assessment goes well at the end of November .
18 Push the crate left onto the button , stand on the conveyor belt , duck and go left , jump up two platforms and crawl right , through the wall , collect the speaker , go back out of the cave and jump up , go right at the top and fall down the hole , go right and jump over the crate and push it left onto the button , go up on the lift , then right , jump onto the crate on the top platform and push it right , then left onto the button .
19 ‘ We go right at the top here .
20 Then go right at the back again do you reckon ?
21 Go right at the junction where Via Baracchini ends , then left into Via Chiaravalle and left again into Via Sant' Antonio to see the church of Sant' Antonio Abate .
22 He gave her the rake and she went vigorously at the hay while he plaited a grass rope to put round a burden and heft it down to the byre .
23 Can you can you tell me or have you got a pic , where does the picture usually go ? does it go right at the top or do you usually have a bit of headline what happened in that Mirror one there ?
24 Yes , you should go right at the beginning
25 We were to have an even closer encounter with a bear before we left Edgeøya , when we went ashore at the south end of the island at Andre/1e Tangen .
26 But I would n't go outside at the moment . ’
27 A chef would never leave a kitchen with food out on the worktops at the end of the day , and front desk is always tidied at the end of a shift , but how many managers do more than simply turn off the computer and go home at the end of a session with their spreadsheet or word processor ?
28 The difference was that he could go home at the end of every shift .
29 They went home at the end of the afternoon , just is the cloud slid back like a shutter and let clear yellow light stream along the valley from the west .
30 They were meant to be devoid of personal feelings , deadpan , like lawyers who had to defend a case they did n't believe in , who went home at the end of the day leaving all their patients ' foibles filed away in their consulting rooms .
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