Example sentences of "go [to-vb] [pers pn] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 ( Recall Fodor 's example of blinking when a good friend goes to poke us in the eye . )
2 That this person should harbour aggressive feelings towards you is unimaginable , but then suddenly , she goes to poke you in the eye — and you blink .
3 He has felt the presaging shadow of death , and he goes to meet it in the old unchanging way of the wild — alone .
4 The trouble was that very few members of the audience at the Theatre Royal , Brighton , understood either what he was saying or why they had spent the money on going to see him in the first place .
5 ‘ I have always gone to see her at Kensington Palace — well , I was n't going to see her in a railway siding , was I ?
6 But now he was going to see her in the flesh .
7 I truly feel that somebody 's going to pinch me in a minute and I 'm going to wake up .
8 ‘ I 'm going to exhibit it in an art gallery in Paris soon . ’
9 I am going to play him in the remaining reserve games so that I can get a good look at him .
10 is also going to help me in an approach to Michael Shea , former Palace press officer and diplomat ( see Who 's Who ) — I met Shea last night at one of the three seminars and receptions which has set up to mark the summit .
11 Can I ask , I know we 've got Amanda Root here , who 's going to help us in the Health Action Area Report , I also know that she has an ailing child , can we then take the item eleven , health action areas now on page fifty-eight , so that we can let Amanda go back to her commitments .
12 Now this leaflet which I 'm going to give you in a moment er is called How To Put Things Right which i i is quite a good title for a leaflet like this .
13 And we 're going to do it in the most slovenly way possible , with a nibble here and a nibble there , leaving great
14 I 'm not going to leave you in the lurch .
15 And they were going to put them in the shape of an arrowhead .
16 You 're going to knock on his door and you 're going to bring him outside and you 're going to put him in the car . ’
17 Deeply afraid that this man was going to put me in a cage .
18 They were going to put us in the workhouse .
19 I 'm going to put mine in the cupboard now . ’
20 She was going to put it in the china vase , only one of the stage hands had left his lighter there for safe keeping , so she stuffed it between two books on the top shelf .
21 If you do and they complete a report and give you their best advice you can still say no thank you I 'm going to put it in the building society .
22 This has a lovely , but er I think I 'm going to put it in the back because my er arrangement is rather heavy , and I do n't want it to fall over .
23 Well as I say , I 'm going to put it in the big one once a year .
24 They 're not going to put you in a home . ’
25 It 's going to knock them in the aisles . ’
26 ‘ Well , you do n't think I 'm going to keep it in the fridge , do you ? ’
27 No , a carol No it i I 'm not going to call it in the programme that , I 'm going to call it a song for everyone .
28 ‘ We 're going to steam him in a couple of minutes . ’
29 But we are going to review it in the light of the criticism . ’
30 In response , the largest bird importer in the US , A.A. Pare , has argued that " What we 're doing is salvaging the birds … if they stay in the jungle , they 're not going to have it in the next five years …
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