Example sentences of "go [conj] [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 To send a player streaking across the pitch ( do n't get excited , Lucy — I did n't mean literally ! ) , push the joystick in the direction you wish to go until he reaches the required speed .
2 He told me where to go and I left the room with relief .
3 Ten yards to go and he heard the driver of the Discovery accelerate away from the roadblock .
4 To invite people in , we 're not , but four of us is going and they buggered the lot .
5 Then there was plenty of work for them but then when the erm , the one man buses really got going and they introduced the night safe on the buses , the ticket office was cut drastically , they did n't need to have all this information .
6 Yeah , you 're told you 're going and we spend the first day overcoming barriers to the fact that they do n't know why they 're there , they 've just been sent and it 'll be good for you , you know this sort of stuff .
7 I visited a college there in , in that offshore island in the Indian Ocean and met the principal of that theological college and I said to him , I asked him how the college was going and he gave the same blandness to his answer as to my question and then he said of his theological college we are still training an aristocracy for the church and ensuring the inertia of the people of God .
8 When the whistle is blown again , the leader gives instructions such as ‘ hop ’ , ‘ walk backwards ’ , ‘ jump with two feet together ’ , ‘ run slowly ’ or ‘ walk again' until the leader eventually says ‘ Bus stop ’ when all the children must continue the way they are going until they reach the entrance to the bus when they go and sit down .
9 They had to get rid of a leader before they could bring themselves to admit that the poll tax was a mistake and I ca n't see John Major going before he loses the next election .
10 I told Cowslip we were going before I left the burrow . "
11 How fast was car A going when it ran the stop sign ?
12 He has a long way to go but he has the right attitude . ’
13 And if the elevator gets blocked or the gearing on the conveyor breaks down — it 's all go until we correct the fault .
14 ‘ When the first bell went and I saw the way Lennox was going after him I told the guys watching with me that Ruddock had better watch for that left of Lewis 's or he 'd be counter-punched with the right and get himself knocked out — and that 's exactly what happened . ’
15 The game was already lost in Berne when Gough went and I think the reason for that was that the Scots had failed to find the fire that brought them so close to success in Sweden .
16 computers and that and er he left it and he just carried on talking about this that and the other , and he says right I 'm going and he went and he left the game , he 'd brought it down for the kids , he did n't say , you know
17 I lent him my air rifle and aimed it out the window and there was this car going by and he went and he smashed the back windscreen I was saying , You fucking dick .
18 ‘ We 'll let you go if you leave the country and we 'll give you fifty thousand English pounds , ’ continued Detchard , the Englishman .
19 She would certainly go if she got the chance , and he would not blame her .
20 There you go if I put the pencil there , do n't knock it off though
21 Roman let her go and she closed the door on him with relief , pushing any tinge of regret that he had n't kissed her firmly away .
22 ‘ I think a lot of Canadians have been waiting with baited breath for several months wondering whether he will stay or go and I think the fact he 's leaving is going to be good for the country , ’ the deputy Liberal leader , Sheila Copps , said .
23 When the train had gone and they left the station Sarah seemed quiet and thoughtful and Anne thought that she was more upset by Terry 's leaving than she had shown while he was there .
24 In the early fifties after the war the Home Guard was reformed for a few years and some of us , having been demobbed from the forces rejoined , but somehow the spirit of the " Dads ' Army " had gone and one felt the enthusiasm was not there .
25 The he 's gone and I bite the black fruit .
26 Francis was gone and I remained the woman I always had been .
27 Then he was gone and she held the receiver for a moment feeling unexpectedly bereft .
28 as mothers go and I did the garden
29 Well then they all come out , everybody , even Dave come out of the union and the only two that were left in it were Jane and Karen on our side and a couple from the warehouse and like there was Judith and I think Sonyou and a couple from the letter shop I , I , I do n't know , I do n't think Elaine went but I think the rest were , yes there were Pam and I think , I think Nigel were , but anyway when Judith comes up about what union money was left , I do n't know where it was left from or how it 's imposed , but they split the
30 The house is fairly modest as stately homes go but I knew the gardens were outstanding as soon as I glimpsed them .
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