Example sentences of "go [adv] about [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I think we had better try and influence that as churches not that we should about the suffering that goes on about the death that goes on , but I think we ought to give all this another dimension in churches .
2 The second paragraph goes on about the report to council Environmental Services Committee by the District Chief .
3 This will involve tone as much as doctrine , but he would be as ill-advised to go on about the Government 's intention of building a classless society , which it ca n't build anyway , as to adopt the easy belief that the climate of opinion can be left to look after itself while ministers get on with the practical business of government .
4 No need to go on about the band in this preamble .
5 ‘ I do n't want to go on about the amount or work — everybody works hard .
6 Goes in about an inch .
7 When they reach their goal , Abraham goes calmly about the business of preparing Isaac for slaughter .
8 Mrs Willmot was now going on about a film evening in October : ‘ I thought you could lay on some nature things — I know that 's your forte . ’
9 ‘ In fact I 've heard Mauleverer going on about a tripe restaurant in Paris . ’
10 so , and then he was going on about the work he 's doing on the
11 Then the ginger kitten I hid in the garden shed and mother found it and there was a monumental scene and Helen called her a beast ; funny , I can hear it now , mother going on about the kitten and Helen suddenly exploding and mother 's face .
12 Everyone keeps going on about the Animal Farm
13 With everything going on about the Poll tax , it 's extremely easy for us to understand how they felt .
14 He 's going on about the beach !
15 He started going on about the life insurance .
16 She 's always going on about the way people behave nowadays .
17 Always going on about the Fate of the Graduate Wife and how she 's fed up being a cabbage — well as far as I 'm concerned I can not see the call for langwidge .
18 ‘ Well , when we were going on about the Universe and all the galaxies and the Big Bang , we talked about gravity forces — between the galaxies — trying to pull them together .
19 Because you were the one who kept going on about the need to keep it secret .
20 At a national level , there is a debate going on about the need for generic units to underpin those qualifications which are highly occupationally-specific so that , for example , skills in areas such as literacy , numeracy and communication can be promoted .
21 Dalglish , preparing for today 's clash at Coventry , said : ‘ There 's no point in going on about the League table while we are still in August .
22 ‘ She kept going on about the fox and coughing . ’
23 She was going on about the grass they 've left on the
24 Why not deal with the beam instead of for ever going on about the mote ?
25 ‘ He keeps going on about the murder . ’
26 I wanted to put that in , rather than going on about the deprivation and the tragedy of divorce and broken families . ’
27 He 's been going on about the dignity of labour . ’
28 As she heard me going on about the luncheon party she pulled a face .
29 Auntie Jane kept going on about the violence .
30 I heard them in the kitchen once , Mrs Donaldson and old Todd , going on about the sort of kid I was .
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