Example sentences of "go [adv] [v-ing] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Yet her belly , in spite of her defeat , goes on filling with new life .
2 John Bowers , an agricultural economist at Leeds University , estimates that they will have to pay double the true ‘ conservation value ’ to protect sites — the rest goes on compensating for lost grants and agricultural subsidies of various kinds .
3 Yet in the tragedies these villains are never satisfied : Macbeth goes on killing like some automaton , Iago goes on destroying until he has brought everyone down .
4 Even if all goes well and recovery gets underway this year , unemployment is likely to go on rising for another year at least .
5 Even if all goes well and recovery gets underway this year , unemployment is likely to go on rising for another year at least .
6 Unemployment now is set to go on rising to 3.3 million .
7 If one had not been inclined to before , one had to go on reading after this : ‘ Take three thrillers on a series of long-distance air journeys .
8 ‘ So we have to go on meeting like this , ever watchful , always circumspect in our behaviour when in company so no one will suspect — ’
9 They show that institutions of higher education have the capacity to go on developing as self-critical corporations .
10 She must remember on no account to go on thinking about that or she might let something slip .
11 Charlie Francis is guilty of a sporting crime — of that I am sure — but what about the guilt of those in high officialdom who have allowed the situation to go on growing for 20 years without trying to stop it ?
12 Orrell 's basic requirement is to go on winning for three more games because if they do not , either Northampton or Bath , each with a match to play after today , will nip in for the prize , just as Wasps did on the final day of the 1990 league season .
13 For Carolina in Brazil the non-controversial fiction film was likewise the only option left if she wanted to go on working at all : she had been jailed several times for the making of political films .
14 What girl would want to go on working amongst those unfortunates when they could have the comfort of Timothy 's home ? "
15 But they did agree to disagree about the how and why of storytelling and , as Ms Sontag concluded , ‘ We are going to go on talking about this for many years but now , alas , we have to stop ’ .
16 I Branches without women rivals now sided with Glasgow in demanding a campaign to exclude women for good , while branches such as Edinburgh , who had to contend with the problem , tried to go on arguing for some form of recognition of women workers .
17 Quite strange but as soon as he 's paid for for the goods and got the goods the chap 's going to go off looking for another .
18 Yes , well there is another man and she 's told Paul frankly she 's lapping up the attention , he 's taking her out for meals and their having a good time together you know , why its great , but as soon as he 's paid for , for the goods and got , got the goods , the chaps going to go off looking for another .
19 Now — are you going on looking for more ? ’
20 Instead of which it seems to be going on and on and I 'm finding myself going round playing at stupid amateur detectives .
21 When we were six to two on evening patrol , to be truthful , we used to go out looking for drunk and disorderlies — just to stop the bloody boredom .
22 All of these things encouraged the movie moguls to put their faith back into entertainment , to make good movies , and to go out looking for new and bigger audiences .
23 A good compound would not have the unwanted actions of adrenaline on the heart and blood pressure , and would go on acting for longer .
24 And you 've all seen and probably participated in the scene where a sequence of such meeting is brought to its climax by one partner coming right out with the movie cliché ‘ We ca n't go on meeting like this ’ or less effectively ‘ Long time no see ! ’
25 But he admitted : ‘ I believe that unemployment will go on rising for some time yet , but what is certain is that the measures I have taken will assist the employment situation . ’
26 They could go on living in this flat they both loved .
27 Mummy and I — we love each other of course , but we just ca n't go on living like this any longer .
28 You ca n't go on living like this , scared to death .
29 On the plus side , would n't it be nice if the clients were helped to look ahead and did n't go on lurching from legal hitch to last-minute legal hitch ?
30 Since we can not go on struggling with one another indefinitely , Hegel says that one must submit to the other .
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