Example sentences of "go [adv] [prep] great [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You skirt Godinton Park to go on to Great Chart .
2 The second point I want to er make Mr Deputy Speaker wholly relating to this erm er clutch of er orders of which er eighteen plus the er the schedule which the minister did n't have time to go through in great detail , is the thrust of why I put the amendment down erm in fact that this order should not be er erm approved indeed until the citizens of Gibraltar have been and able to be represented in the European parliament .
3 ROOT SYSTEM : - Roots may be long and slender , going down to great depth and absorbing water from distant sources ; or very shallow rooted and superficial , catching rain water before it evaporates away .
4 I could go on at great length on all these topics ; it would be very pleasant for me to say what I think and relieve Monsieur Geoffrey Braithwaite 's feelings by means of such utterances .
5 So I could go on at great length , colleagues , to tell you that he 's on this committee and that committee well er and that would take me a good half hour because he 's , he 's on , he 's involved in everything in everything in the Party in the union erm , and his commitment is absolutely second to none .
6 Er I could go on at great length about it if you wish me to but I 'm sure you do n't .
7 Spend the immediate post-Smiths period saying how he was the talented one and would go on to great things .
8 ‘ That officer went on to great deeds .
9 Ayr , Irvine and Kilmarnock Academies could each lay claim to having had the largest number of scholars who went on to great things but , before these grander seats of learning were established , several small , seemingly totally inadequate schools had produced a succession of men of whom the county can be proud .
10 He went on at great length on this subject , banging his pastoral staff on the floor and haranguing the assembly until the pope cried ‘ Enough ’ , and the reading of the decrees was resumed .
11 So they went on with great difficulty .
12 In our case this iteration has gone on at great lengths and I and my colleagues have had to struggle to ensure that we have allocated enough time to deciding the direction in which the company should be going , and the changes that have to be carried out in order to get it there .
13 The animals are often very large , and they frequently go about in great herds .
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