Example sentences of "go [prep] a [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The third option is to go for a strategic exceptions policy in the structure plan and obviously this is what er the borough considered considers is appropriate .
2 Here , in a role that might have better suited Peter Sellers , or , more authentically , Alberto Sordi , he goes through a few variations on Ben Braddock and Jason Fister , the agent in his first Italian misadventure .
3 That 's the main thing and then if you 've got any questions afterwards hopefully we 'll still have time to go through a few questions .
4 But often we would n't get that straight away ; we 'd have to go through a few guitars before we found the combination of guitar and amp and EQ on the desk .
5 Even if the committee agree to a grant , it ca n't be more than a couple of thousand — not enough to keep you going for a few months .
6 Although he made a huge bonfire of his papers and correspondence in 1916 , and kept it going for a few days , Edward preserved all her letters along with his notebooks .
7 Jack and Alison were going for a few days to Amsterdam .
8 I would n't , I would n't mind going for a few days
9 Uplands kept its wholesaling operation going for a few years after I left , but it does n't exist any more ; I think the day of the really small wholesaler is gone . ’
10 They will also be able to supply you with a list of suitable short-term homes for the elderly in your area , to which your parent might consider going for a few weeks each year in order that you may have a holiday , if there is no other member of the family who could take over your responsibilities in your absence .
11 Going for a little walkies !
12 It was nearly dark when we left Fontanellato and , with no lights about , it was hard to know where we were going after a few kilometres .
13 People going with a few items from their attic .
14 Well there 's a thing going round a few years ago were n't there with these models , just pay for them to go out there
15 It 's been going on a few days this game .
16 Helen , of Moulton Grove , Fairfield , Stockton , burst into tears and had to be supported by relatives after being told she was going to a young offenders institution .
17 A second KSR1 is going to a General Notors Corp lab in Detroit for development and conversion of systems management tools .
18 you 'd be expected to , to do a lot of work by yourself , and that 's reflecting the fact that erm you 'll probably have four or five lessons in each of your three subjects , but most people would choose three subjects for A level , and that means that er , when you 're not having lessons , you 've got a lot of time that is not accountable for , you will have been , or going to a general studies period and stuff like that , but there will be a fair number of private study periods , erm , there are some people I think who , who go overboard , and you 've got such a different approach erm from er the lower sixth , people do n't use the time that they have , erm , what I 'm really saying is that if you go into the sixth form and you spend less school time in the sixth form you do n't need to be prepared
19 A second KSR1 is going to a General Motors Corp lab in Detroit for development and conversion of systems management tools .
20 The Ancient Society of Kilwinning Archers is still in existence , kept going by a few enthusiasts , and the papingo shoot is held annually in June .
21 I do n't suppose you 'd care to go into a few details … a little extra payment for last night ? ’
22 He was subsequently ordered by a court not to go within a hundred yards of her .
23 I do n't know how much the discount is for each game , or wether you have to go to a special members area which probably costs more than without vouchers anyway .
24 to go over a few times .
25 Early one pre-Sale morning a stranger silently passed two sorters working in the vestibule , went for a few minutes into the Church , which happened at eh time to be empty of all nut noods , and then said to them as he walked out ‘ You 've made that Church live . ’
26 He was educated at Harrow , from where he went for a few months into his father 's City office , which he hated ; and he spent a term in Göttingen , learning German .
27 Not only that , but he went for a few shots , bravely teasing back the initiative from Mushtaq and Waqar .
28 All I want to do is go through a few aspects of your statement , to make sure I 've got them right . ’
29 Day care schemes run by voluntary organisations and social services departments , to which older people can go for a few hours daily , are very helpful .
30 So I I 'm extremely pleased that the County Council have not gone for a strategic exceptions policy .
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