Example sentences of "go [verb] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Through Clennam , Cavaletto goes to lodge at the Plornishes , enabling Mrs Plornish ( Sally , except in chap .
2 I planned to travel with him , but I told him that I wanted to go walking in the mountains alone .
3 Mr Gorbachev reportedly offered to resign at Saturday 's meeting after Kemerevo party chief Alexander Melnikov ‘ really let himself get carried away and said something like this : ‘ Is it proper to go bowing to the capitalists ? to go asking a blessing from the Pope ? ’ ' according to a conservative Central Committee member .
4 One slightly frustrating aspect of this book is the lack of a bibliography , meaning that one has to go hunting in the footnotes for first references .
5 Every morning we woke to find ourselves surrounded by fresh tracks made by capybaras ( the world 's largest species of rodent , looking something like a giant guinea pig ) ; on our last evening , the boatman killed an alligator as it crawled past our camp-fire to go hunting in the reeds beyond .
6 If he goes hunting through the texts for a quick recipe for gold or earthly power he 'll soon get lost , give up .
7 The dogs ' descendants were still with him , though rheumatism made it difficult for him to go scrambling over the fields at night with the powerful torch to blind the rabbits .
8 It goes wandering through the files unchecked , pulling open the drawers and scattering the papers , writing wild minutes of its own .
9 And we si and we sing it upstairs and she goes wandering up the stairs and we hide in the airing cupboard !
10 Tepilit goes to talk to the warriors .
11 He 's going to go through the tapes and pick the bits he 'd like to use on Monday next week ( with a stop watch to get an idea of the bits he 's interested in ) and will book into the OUTC studio on George Street ( 278802 ) during week you 're away ( 1 day 's booking max ) , expecting some help from Astrid/Simon/anyone else who 's around .
12 And look at us now would youse — look at this place now — Sean and Michael live like kings — whatever they might say — and I 'm not going to go into the whys and wherefores here . ’
13 She said : I 'm going to go to the woods again tonight .
14 I 'm going to go to the hairdressers so Jim 's going to look after you .
15 I do n't know what you 're saying we 're going to go to the shops
16 People are joining us all the time , so I 'm very briefly er just in a word or two , going to go over the subjects , and then if you want to give me a ring , please do so .
17 What 's , how , how 're you going to go about the problems , sort of talk through the stages .
18 If you 've got some better idea of what 's going to go in the wills .
19 ‘ I left him in the house ; I said I was going to see to the goats . ’
20 Timbuctu may have lost some of its mystique but still attracts more legionnaires than lager-louts and was always going to appeal to the adventure-seekers who answered the call of the organising triumvirate of Jerome Viellard , Oliver du Plessis and Ann-Pascale Suppot-Reveilhac .
21 So long as an account 's written down somewhere , no one 's going to fuss about the details .
22 However , if the Institute is going to plan for the needs of 2001 AD , the whole idea of space occupied by books may need to be revised .
23 If you er , if the people of West Sussex a couple of weeks ago , when there was flooding around Chichester , they 're actually going to wait for the waters to evaporate .
24 Oh by the way Miss Hall do you know anything , said P C Garfield , well said Jane I was n't going to tell , but I think Mr Sandy and their assistant knows something about it , because about twelve thirty this morning I was going to report about the cobwebs and dampness on the walls and I heard Mr Sandy and his assistant talking in the back room .
25 And that will just lead to planning chaos because obviously somebody 's going to fall between the plans .
26 I am not going to write to the Colleges themselves one week with bureaucratic non-talk and then come into the clear the following week … if there is going to be an outburst I believe the sooner we get it over the better .
27 Northern regional organiser Kevin Scott , said : ‘ We have said there is going to be violence but it is going to come from the Communists , not us . ’
28 Women 's power is n't going to come from the unions , it 's going to come from being organised as women .
29 I 've got a few little beauties I 'm going to flog to the idiots this morning .
30 No solution was found : within a few years the European powers were at war again , essentially over the question whether Spain and her colonies were going to pass into the hands of a relation of the King of France or a relation of the Holy Roman Emperor ; in the end they passed into the French line of descent , and in the eighteenth century policy towards France had always to be conducted in the light of the possibility that the French and Spanish government might ally for war .
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