Example sentences of "what you do [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 — Cruelty to animals takes two forms : the method of killing it and what you do with a live animal which is in your power .
2 Try to get the feeling of holding the clubface open through impact ( photo 10 ) , but do n't imitate what you do with a greenside bunker shot .
3 It 's what you do with the money that counts .
4 I do n't care what you do with the other bods but see that the civilian gets some attention , will you ?
5 ‘ It 's what you put on the inside that counts , not what you do to the outside , ’ he said .
6 They all know what you do for a living . ’
7 ‘ Look , Clive , I do n't like what you do for a living , I do n't like the way you treat girls at parties , I do n't like your taste in shirts and I do n't like the way you look .
8 Social worth in our society is related to the workplace : you are valued by what you do for a job , not what or who you are as a person .
9 Like if you are married , and what you do for a living apart from this .
10 ‘ I was just wondering what you do for a living . ’
11 ‘ I wonder what you do for a living ? ’ he asked thoughtfully .
12 What you do for the first two years is you learn all the theory of being a doctor and you go and you have to between eight of you , learn all about a body you have one body between of you and you learn all about all the muscles and the nerves
13 A live show is something separate and you do different things in a live show to what you do on a record .
14 If you think of what you do on a holiday , it 's a totally different lifestyle to when you 're normally working and obviously people desire to have that sort of experience more and more , and you 've got the rise of things like short breaks .
15 For this and other known and yet to be investigated reasons , it is obviously a good plan to boost daily fibre intake — for health and slimming benefit — from a variety of cereal , fruit and vegetable sources , and this is what you do on the F-Plan .
16 ‘ But I know from experience that in cup ties current status counts for little its a question of what you do on the day .
17 That is actually saying to the Q S , you 've now got authority to come in to B E S and effectively do what you do on the civil side .
18 I du n no what it is but they 're about that long and about that round and then they got this trigger like you similar what you do on the Vax hold the trigger .
19 So what you do as a trainer in a circus you try and encourage the animal to want to the act and to reinforce it for so doing and that may be food , it may be actually just affection for the people who are training and that 's what a trainer wants to try and .
20 But what you do as a removal man is you get hold of the cord that you 've pulled away from the side of the frame , put a knot in it , a loose knot , then leave go gently because again if you do n't leave go gently if it 's an old cord when it gets to the reaches the knot it 'll snap and you 'll still lose the weight inside .
21 As a player , you 're only concerned about what you do as an individual , but as a manager you 're concerned for the whole team , ’ he said .
22 Because presumably what you do before the marriage , of marriage .
23 Of course in rural situations this can be overcome by merely peeing outside , a course of action not open to you in the city , unless of course you live in London where it does n't matter much what you do in the street .
24 Networking , I said , is what you do in the corridor outside the plenary session of the annual conference with that interesting chap from Stanford working on a similar problem .
25 Erm swimming is recommended as about the most all round exercise because it certainly does your heart and lungs , it does all the muscles of the body , it , according to what you do in the water of course , I mean if you just go and stand there it does nothing
26 It was keeping the thing just like what you do in the land .
27 Oh what you do in the cold , oh that was grand
28 blast for the water , wo n't you get the fumes just the same as what you do from the fire ?
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