Example sentences of "what could [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 That class would vote solidly as a class for candidates representative of that class , and since it made up a clear majority of the population , what could stand in the way of its political ascendancy ?
2 He is , he admits , ‘ frightened ’ by what could happen to the club .
3 The greatest fear the airmen have is of what could happen to the people of Somalia after the international forces leave .
4 In this exciting , optimistic approach it is important to have the ability to create pictures of what could happen in the future — ideal solutions and potential achievement .
5 An excellent example of this in practice was the East Anglian Rubber Windmill exercise described in Chapter 5 , demonstrating what could happen in the " internal market " if all pursued their private ends regardless of the public consequences .
6 What may well be the most off-putting thought for some about this amplifier is , having glanced at the front panel , a fear of what could lurk around the back : does it resemble the buss panel of a 32-channel mixing desk , or the flight deck of a 757 ?
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