Example sentences of "what he [verb] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If the promisor gets what he asks for in return for his promise , he has received sufficient consideration and is bound .
2 He had frequently encouraged others to doss down simply because , as he admitted , he could not bear what he thought about at night .
3 He made no secret of what he thought of as the poverty of American culture .
4 So were his long trousers , his formal shirts , and what he thought of as his work-clothes : camouflage trousers and combat jackets .
5 He 's punishing her for her beauty and what he thought of as her wickedness . ’
6 But it was I who was stupid , too stupid to see he had reason for wanting to establish what he thought of as respectable origins .
7 Freud was so impressed by the amount of brutality men have inflicted on one another , and have continued to inflict on one another , that he felt justified in developing what he thought of as a mythology of two conflicting instincts : sexuality and death , Eros and Thanatos .
8 What he thought of as the sky was the horizon , usually broken by trees and hedges .
9 By the time Tennyson revisited Cauterets , in 1861 , what he thought of as a village he now found to be , in his less poetic moods , ‘ an odious watering-place ’ , and that is a transition you can readily enough trace in the architecture today .
10 He felt no fear that either the militia or the rebels would molest him or his men , since all the troubles were occurring in what he thought of as the richer areas .
11 He sat down on a log and tried to perform what he thought of as the vanishing act , whereby you became insofar as it was possible a part of the surroundings : breathing , seeing , hearing only — merely an aspect of the place , a dimension , like the robin or the moss-covered log or the leafmould on which his feet rested .
12 It struck Dexter as a very sensual act , at odds with what he thought of as the female detective 's self-control and cautious approach to the world .
13 His lazy , almost relaxed tone of voice did not disguise his fierce determination to find out what he thought of as the truth .
14 She was afraid he would ask her about herself and to forestall this she asked him to tell her about his training and what he hoped for in the future .
15 We spoke to Johnny Winter recently and he said he has to be really careful about what he listens to before getting on stage , in case it influences him too much .
16 What he sues for in each case is loss caused to him by the use of an unlawful weapon against him — intimidation of another person by unlawful means . ’
17 To say prayers in the Catholic way of worship , and feed one 's soul on frequent sacraments , and practise a little fasting , and use the sacrament of confession , and study Marcion and the early Church and the Bible , and to have time for quietness and silence and meditation — that was what he looked for at this moment of his life .
18 Ten years ago , if you asked any tennis player what he looked for in a court , you would probably get 10 different answers .
19 In the cold light of the morning after , she did not think she even fancied him , could hardly bring what he looked like into focus , she had gone briefly crazy that was all , gone native .
20 At least that is what he looked like to me .
21 He had begun to see what he looked like to God , and now he was not in the least uninterested to hear what Jesus Christ had done about it .
22 Elias ' theory of the civilising process has also been described as a history of manners , in which changing patterns of living are documented , and within which what he refers to as ‘ affect ’ becomes increasingly regulated .
23 During periods of change such as this , what he refers to as ‘ status movements ’ may emerge which attempt , through symbolic rather than instrumental means , to increase or simply maintain the prestige or honour of a particular social group .
24 He argues that societies are organized around what he refers to as certain ‘ axial structures ’ .
25 The hypothetical experiment which Keynes is undertaking is an examination of the consequences of a fall in the real wage rate brought about through a rise in the general price level , P ( what he refers to as ‘ the price of wage-goods ’ ) in relation to the money wage , W. The initial real wage rate is and the corresponding ‘ existing volume of employment ’ is 4 , .
26 What Alexei did n't tell Sylvie about , what he spoke of to no one , was that last year he had spent with his father .
27 That 's what he talked about at the S W G is n't it ?
28 For example , in September 1919 , in its account of a meeting of the Board of Guardians , the Bedfordshire Times reported that a member had complained of what he referred to as ‘ an appalling increase of rates ’ .
29 Nevertheless , he viewed Coenwulf as a tyrant , who had compounded his deficiencies by putting away his wife and taking another ( as Eardwulf had done in Northumbria ) , and urged the Mercian patrician to advise the Mercian people to observe what he referred to as the good and chaste customs of Offa .
30 Geoff ambled out in quest of what he referred to as ‘ the bog ’ .
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