Example sentences of "what it [modal v] [be] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 If any readers have an idea what it might be and how it may be put to good use , please let me know — IM
2 And because if you 're just looking at every word separately everything lo you 've got to learn so many things have n't you if you can pot the patterns and then you can start having a a guess at what it might be and getting it right most of the time and then you gradually learn them as you go along .
3 Experience may help you take some of these into account but if you went for a fixed fee you may have to pitch it at such a level to allow for these that it 's perhaps twice what it might be and you could lose the client .
4 below what it should be and that we are asking single-person households , on average , to subsidise households of two or more persons in the payment of the council tax .
5 Why not get people that is activists and Oldham might well the branch for Oldham you 've got Dave from Stockport they 've got a MP retiring , they 're getting on now , you 've had , we 've had your time now , for God 's sake go you 've been there long enough , let's get the activists in , let's get G M B members and let's get this parliament back to what it should be and not the Tories .
6 Baffled , he scratched his greasy white hair and wondered what it could be and why it should have been stored in a beer keg .
7 Janet 's Norwegian is n't what it could be and she had n't understood the producer 's instruction that for an English translation she needed an ear-piece .
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