Example sentences of "what [vb past] [adv prt] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 I thought if I was a little bit fitter , fresher and stronger I would be able to do a better job — which is what turned out in the end . ’
2 He could no more understand what went on in a twenty-year-old 's head than fly to the moon .
3 One of the problems was in measuring what went on in a plasma .
4 This was not wildly different , I suppose , to what went on in a book I was reading , Edmund Gosse 's Father and Son , in which the father would pray before any crucial decision and await God 's direction .
5 But curiously enough , such articulate recognition of the educational significance of the manyattas was exceptional , though administrators often behaved and wrote in ways which hinted at an implicit acknowledgement of the similarity between what went on in a Masai manyatta and what went on in the English boarding schools they had themselves attended .
6 No , Maidstone had been right all along : Sandison knew nothing about what went on in the city .
7 But curiously enough , such articulate recognition of the educational significance of the manyattas was exceptional , though administrators often behaved and wrote in ways which hinted at an implicit acknowledgement of the similarity between what went on in a Masai manyatta and what went on in the English boarding schools they had themselves attended .
8 But Steven had a b-i-g problem , because he had spent his whole life in Never Never , a land not best known for its grasp of real life , and his idea of what went on in the world outside was limited to the hazy notions he had picked up … from the movies .
9 If Jolly Sensible was a restaurant , everyone would be speculating about what went on in the basement .
10 Jolly Sensible was a restaurant , everyone would be speculating about what went on in the basement .
11 One top player said : ‘ It 's just great the way the Mirror has stuck at prising out exactly what went on in the umpires ’ room when the ball was changed during the lunch interval .
12 ‘ But after what went on in the first leg , I hope we get a referee who will be strong enough to stamp out any foul play .
13 Captions on the screen can give brief information about what went on in the missing bits and how much time has elapsed .
14 Radulfus maintained his judicial calm , and the earl 's broad brow was suave and benign , though there was no guessing what went on in the highly intelligent mind behind it ; but Prior Robert and Sub-Prior Herluin sat very erect , stiff in the spine and with long , refined faces sharpened into steel , studiously not looking straight at each other , but maintaining each a bright gaze on distance , and the appearance of considering with magisterial detachment the situation that confronted them .
15 But Cadfael was certain by then that Herluin did not know his Tutilo at all , probably never had any clear idea what went on in the minds of any of his novices , because he paid no regard to them .
16 It 's the officers working now who are the only ones who can really tell you what went on in the past .
17 When the Hon. Gentleman has seen all the details , he should compare them with what went on in the valleys when he was a Minister .
18 He was not a fool ; he knew what went on in the fields about his home in summer ; he was not himself without desires , desires and curiosity .
19 ‘ All I do know is that when we were on the way here he was asking me a great many questions about what went on in the village .
20 My hon. Friend draws attention to the fact that there is considerable maladministration among Labour councils , as witness the discovery of what went on in the council of Brent when it was under Labour control .
21 ‘ They were concerned I would do something gruesome or speak critically about what went on in the ward . ’
22 Still , it would be hard to deny that in , say , 1875 what went on in the university of Kazan and Kiev was more significant than what went on in Yale and Princeton .
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